A Mysterious Light In #Space Keeps Switching On and Off. Now, We Know Why.
A dozen of the worldâs best #telescopes were enlisted to explain the behavior of object #J1023 that has puzzled scientists for more than a decade.The campaign involving 12 telescopes has revealed that these cosmic switches are flipped by energetic interactions between a jet and a disk shaped by a #pulsar, a type of pulsing dead #star. https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5dw8/a-mysterious-light-in-space-keeps-switching-on-and-off-now-we-know-why
#space #telescopes #j1023 #pulsar #star
Check out the latest community update on the Pulsar Blog! https://pulsar-edit.dev/blog/20230904-Daeraxa-SeptemberUpdate.html
In store for you this month we have some massive changes to our CI process, some good news for Windows Chocolatey users, a new option for Pulsar's title bar, some improvements to our ppm unpublish command and work on a brand new utility to help clean up elements of a Pulsar installation.
#pulsar #pulsaredit #opensource #foss #update #blog
A Bizarre #Pulsar Switches Between Two Brightness Modes. #Astronomers Finally Figured Out Why.
Our Chocolately packages are up to date again!
If you use the Chocolately package manager for Windows you may have noticed the official packages have been a few versions behind.
This has now been solved and the latest versions are available once again.
You can read more about what we had to do and why on the latest Pulsar Blog post.
#opensource #pulsar #pulsaredit #chocolatey
Vice: A Mysterious Light In Space Keeps Switching On and Off. Now, We Know Why. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/jg5dw8/a-mysterious-light-in-space-keeps-switching-on-and-off-now-we-know-why #techscience #astronomy #Abstract #Pulsar #Space
#techscience #astronomy #abstract #pulsar #space
#Astronomers have uncovered the strange behavior of a #pulsar, a super-fast-spinning #deadstar.
#astronomers #pulsar #deadstar
RÀtsel des Transformer-Pulsars gelöst. Neutronenstern J1023 schaltet zwischen Radiopulsen und Röntgenstrahlung um. #Pulsar #Astronomie #Neutronenstern
#pulsar #astronomie #Neutronenstern
Gizmodo: Perplexing Pulsar âSwitchingâ Behavior Finally Deciphered by Astronomers https://gizmodo.com/astronomy-pulsars-switching-modes-mystery-decoded-1850787441?utm_source=regular #northamericannanohertzobservatoryforgravitationalwaves #gravitationalwaveastronomy #mariacristinabaglio #technologyinternet #gravitationalwave #generalrelativity #millisecondpulsar #radioastronomy #cotizelati #startypes #pulsar
#northamericannanohertzobservatoryforgravitationalwaves #gravitationalwaveastronomy #mariacristinabaglio #technologyinternet #gravitationalwave #generalrelativity #millisecondpulsar #radioastronomy #cotizelati #startypes #pulsar
Le 26 janvier 2022, une Ă©quipe australienne publiait la dĂ©couverte d'une source radio transitoire trĂšs atypique, qui ressemblait Ă un #pulsar ou un #magnĂ©tar mais avec une pĂ©riode ultra-longue de 18 minutes. L'Ă©quipe a poursuivi ses recherches d'objets similaires et ils viennent de trouver un second specimen du mĂȘme genre, avec une pĂ©riode encore plus longue de 21 minutes qui produit des bouffĂ©es d'ondes radio qui durent jusqu'Ă 5 minutes.
Check out the latest community update on the Pulsar Blog! https://pulsar-edit.dev/blog/20230801-Daeraxa-AugustUpdate.html
This month we have an update to our "markdown-preview" package, information on a big dependency update (to get away from some of those old toolchains) and news about a new "pulsar-updater" package.
#pulsar #pulsaredit #opensource #foss #update #blog
Something in #space has been lighting up every 20min since 1988
Researchers announced discovery of #astronomical object called GPM J1839-10, which emits regular bursts of radio energy similar to #pulsar but with much longer interval of 21 minutes. The nature and physics behind this behavior remain unknown, as it does not fit into any existing astronomical categories or explanations, making it a unique and enigmatic phenomenon that requires further study and observation
Y yo que creĂa que el editor #Atom habĂa muerto sin descendencia, y que descubro #pulsar https://pulsar-edit.dev !
Ahora me toca decidir entre sà conservar #Brackets o usar #Pulsar. Lo seguiré probando algunas semanas.
Anyone got tips or advice on replacing #Atom as a text-editor? I very infrequently #code, with html, css, and a tiny bit of js (and tbh, had mostly been using it to post new blog things by pushing to my git repo).
I've had a look at #Pulsar (https://pulsar-edit.dev/) and just stumbled across #Kate (https://kate-editor.org/). Any opinions or recommendations on those or alternatives?
Strong preference for #FOSS
#atom #code #pulsar #kate #foss
Check out the latest community update on the Pulsar Blog!
This month we have an update to our less packages, a new tree-sitter grammar, a new way of downloading Pulsar and a conversation on the future of our subreddit.
#pulsar #pulsaredit #opensource #foss #update #blog
Nice example of #OpenSource working how it's supposed to:
When #Github decided to stop supporting the #Atom code editor, a team forked the project and kept it going as the #Pulsar editor.
This is why right-to-fork is the key open source right.
#opensource #GitHub #atom #pulsar
Gravity Waves Rock The Galaxy
Scientists report evidence that the whole universe around us is awash in the quiet background vibration of gravitational waves.
#ScienceTechnology #SpaceExploration #BlackHole #Caltech #gravity #GravityWaves #LIGO #nanograv #NASA #pulsar #spacetime #telescope
#gravitywaves #ligo #nanograv #nasa #pulsar #spacetime #telescope #sciencetechnology #spaceexploration #blackhole #caltech #gravity
Hey fediverse, does anyone have any information on how to contact someone that has access to pulsar-records.de ? I loved the music that was available on that netlabel but it seems the site has been abandoned some time in 2007 and the PHP scripts that powered it failed. Is there a chance to archive the music? Would build a site to make it available or connect with projects like netlabelarchive.org
#pulsar #netlabel #berlin #music #archive
oh wow!
#pulsar-timing-daten aus 25 jahren genauester messungen der 5 gröĂten #radioteleskope europas ermöglichen erste detektionen von #gravitationswellen mit frequenzen im nanohertz-bereich, das sind schwingungsdauern von dutzenden jahren, wie sie von sich umkreisenden paaren #supermassereicher schwarzer löcher in verschmelzenden #galaxien kommen.
#astrophysics #gravitationalwaves #galaxien #supermassereicher #gravitationswellen #Radioteleskope #pulsar
#pulsar #pulsars #pulsartiming #nanograv #physics #universe #astronomy #astrophysics #Astrodon #science #cover #covers #sciencecovers #space #research #gravitationalwaves #relativity #generalrelativity #cosmology
#pulsar #pulsars #pulsartiming #nanograv #physics #universe #astronomy #astrophysics #Astrodon #science #cover #covers #sciencecovers #space #research #gravitationalwaves #relativity #generalrelativity #cosmology
Le télescope FAST, considéré comme le radiotélescope le plus sensible au monde, détecte un pulsar binaire ayant la plus courte période orbitale jamais découverte
#FAST #télescope #astrophysique #science #étoile #pulsar
#fast #telescope #astrophysique #science #etoile #pulsar