✨New #AdriftLab paper✨ “Pumice ingestion in #seabirds: interannual variation, and relationships with chick growth and plastic ingestion” 🐦🌋 #OpenAccess (free to download) HERE ➡️ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00227-023-04203-6
We analysed the amount of ingested #pumice (on LEFT in photo) from 739 Flesh-footed & 173 Wedge-tailed #Shearwaters from #LordHoweIsland during 2011-2022 #LongTermMonitoring
Pumice mass did not vary over time, except for one higher year for each species (2016 for FFSH & 2014 for WTSH), and there was no effect of pumice mass on chick body size at fledgling.
Our results are consistent with the coexistence over geological time of seabirds and floating pumice & provides further evidence that ingested pumice does not cause #Plasticosis or other harm like #IngestedPlastic does
Big thanks to Gabbi for providing the photo used in Figure 1 and to @nhm_london and Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation for their endless support!! 🙏 @SeabirdSentinel @TheLabAndField
#AdriftLab #seabirds #openaccess #pumice #shearwaters #lordhoweisland #longtermmonitoring #plasticosis #ingestedplastic
Lovely lo-fi, lush tunes from the gorgeous Pumice from Auckland
Not often I get a chance to recreate a photo after 33 years have elapsed…but a couple years ago, I did…along the Upper #RogueRiver above Prospect, OR.
The view was better in 1984(ish) B/W when the few scant trees present on the cut-bank were saplings…but recently we’re 50’ tall or more.
What always impressed me was the immensity of the #pyroclastic flows that created the exposure, likely filling a paleo valley to a few hundred feet depth.
#rogueriver #pyroclastic #volcano #pumice #caldera #geomorphology #geology
#Geology #Volcano #Pumice #Eruption #Rocks #Caldera
A variety of products collected from Medicine Lake Caldera and nearby mountains of volcanic glass.
Volcanic bomb broken to show vesicular interior and flowing/shaping of magma in flight.
Black obsidian showing gas vesicles layered along edge.
Gray pumice with styrofoam texture inter layered with gray bands of obsidian…showing deformation during placement.
Collected during high-precision survey measurement of caldera subsidence in 1987.
#geology #volcano #pumice #eruption #rocks #caldera
Sonic Pick Me Up
It would be an odd week that I wouldn't play something by Pumice, or one of the side projects.
Pumice has taken many forms over the years, solo performer, large band, two bands with the same name, it's currently a duo. Stefan Neville is the consisted factor.
This is a lovely and personal song, full of crunk and noise but also contains a very pretty pop song.
There's another very done bt The Coolies which also rocks.
The moon floats in the sky because it is made of #pumice. If it were made of #cheese or #sandstone, it would sink.