Projector Room 137 “The Diplomat’s Blood” 04/05/2023
All sorts on offer as usual with appreciations of Walter Matthau, Barry Humphries, Japanese animation as we Pump Up The Volume with Peter Pan, crank call Mr Harrigan's Phone and splatt
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #BarryHumphries #Blood #Dune:PartTwo #JerrySpringer #McQ #MrHarrigan'sPhone #PeterPan #PumpUpTheVolume #Suzume #TheDiplomat #WalterMatthau
#waltermatthau #thediplomat #suzume #pumpupthevolume #peterpan #mrharrigan #MCQ #JerrySpringer #Dune #blood #barryhumphries #projectorroom #Podcast
Tonight I saw #PumpUpTheVolume at #MTFestUK. It was fantastic. I would definitely recommend trying to catch it this week. #musicaltheatre
#musicaltheatre #MTFestUK #pumpupthevolume
Silent disco is the best party invention EVER!!
#cancun #sandoz #pumpupthevolume !!
#cancun #sandoz #pumpupthevolume
Die erste LP meines Lebens war die Formel Eins (eine Fernsehsendung, damals) 1987. Der Grund, weshalb ich als10-jähriger meine Eltern zum Kauf überredete war, dass ich dieses verrückte Lied von M.A.R.S. so cool fand. #Pumpupthevolume Ein Vorläufer des Techno, den ich wiederum weniger mochte.