Yesterday I finished a play-through of #PunchClub2FastForward
Overall the game is a nice improvement on the original. It’s nice to actually need to use different fighting styles to win some of the more tricky fights.
The final boss was a bit of a pain, but I did like how you got more stats with each failed attempt.
I went the police route for my first one, seems like the gym route is next.
Punch Club 2 har släppts. Det blir troligtvis det första spelet jag införskaffar efter semestern. Älskade första delen. #gaming #PunchClub2 #punchclub2fastforward
#punchclub2fastforward #punchclub2 #gaming
Publisher tinyBuild and developer Lazy Bear Games have announced fighting management game sequel Punch Club 2: Fast Forward for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch… #PunchClub2FastForward