I see. Makes sense
I know a lil #urlencoding from trying to save time
%20 was a #space iirc
And the #japanese ?
"ゆさあお" is "%E3%82%86%E3%81%95%E3%81%82%E3%81%8A"
#Coincidence ? I think not !
#urlencoding #space #japanese #punycode #coincidence
Compiling toy #ProgrammingLanguages is all fun and games, until you have to mangle umpteen overloads of 'print' or need to figure out what 'NF_' corresponds to.
Of course, there's always #Punycode. However, that's optimised for DNS and therefore case-insensitive, and in addition cannot represent punctuation (so no 'print(string):int' for you).
So yes, I got #NerdSniped into designing my own generic symbol mangling scheme, funycode: https://github.com/irdc/funycode
#programminglanguages #punycode #nerdsniped
Your #mastodon instance domain could be an emoji!
#fediverse #emoji #dns #mastoadmin #punycode #selfhosing #homelab
#mastodon #fediverse #emoji #dns #mastoadmin #punycode #selfhosing #homelab
I was hoping https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/21440 would fix some of the IDN display issues I see on this instance, but alas, I'm still Punycode in most places.
Punycodes Explained https://hackaday.com/2023/01/18/punycodes-explained/ #SoftwareDevelopment #computersecurity #CurrentEvents #internethacks #Featured #Interest #punycode #unicode #dns #url
#SoftwareDevelopment #computersecurity #CurrentEvents #internethacks #Featured #Interest #punycode #unicode #dns #url
Punycodes Explained - When you’re restricted to ASCII, how can you represent more complex things like em... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/18/punycodes-explained/ #softwaredevelopment #computersecurity #currentevents #internethacks #featured #interest #punycode #unicode #dns #url
#url #dns #unicode #punycode #interest #featured #internethacks #currentevents #computersecurity #softwaredevelopment
🆕 blog! “Konami Code Domain Name”
More on my experiments with silly Punycode domain names. http://↑↑↓↓←→←→ba.tk/ Yup, copy and paste that into your browser and it will resolve.
👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/01/konami-code-domain-name/
#dns #punycode #url
International Domain Names pose interesting options for hacks and also spoofing: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/12/14/idn-is-crazy/
#idn #idns #internationaldomainnames #domainnames #uri #uris #url #urls #danielstenberg #unicode #punycode #internationalisation #internationalization #i18n #hacks #hacking #spoofs #spoof #spoofing #hack #domainhack #domainhacks
#idn #idns #internationaldomainnames #domainnames #uri #uris #url #urls #danielstenberg #unicode #punycode #internationalisation #internationalization #i18n #hacks #hacking #spoofs #spoof #spoofing #hack #domainhack #domainhacks
🆕 blog! “Some more silly Punycode domain names”
You know how it is, you buy one silly domain name and then you get an idea for loads more! A few weeks ago, I got https://⏻.ga/ - I think I'm the first person to get a domain name which uses a glyph from the Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode block. How exciting! And that got me […]
👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2022/12/some-more-silly-punycode-domain-names/
#dns #domains #punycode #unicode
#dns #domains #punycode #unicode
🆕 blog! “Some more silly Punycode domain names”
You know how it is, you buy one silly domain name and then you get an idea for loads more! A few weeks ago, I got https://⏻.ga/ - I think I'm the first person to get a domain name which uses a glyph from the Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode block. How exciting! And that got me […]
👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2022/12/some-more-silly-punycode-domain-names/
#dns #domains #punycode #unicode
#dns #domains #punycode #unicode
And here’s the slides from a 2011 #IDN & #Punycode #cybersecurity webinar I did. https://www.slideshare.net/veresoftware/internationalised-domain-names-internet-investigations
«Disneyland Malware Team: It’s a Puny World After All» - Brian Krebs explains a #malware & #phishing operation using #IDN & #Punycode to deceive victims with plausible lookalikes for legitimate domain names. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/11/disneyland-malware-team-its-a-puny-world-after-all/
#malware #phishing #idn #punycode
Using #Cisco #Umbrella ? Consider blocking #Punycode domains to help protect users from phishing.
**Edit - apparently you cannot add wildcard domains to the block list (ie http://xn--*.*) to block all punycode domains. I opened a ticket with Cisco to find out why.
**Edit, Edit - Cisco did get back to me, unfortunately it's not possible to block all punycode domains using wildcard strings as wildcards are not currently supported.
Are there any #Fediverse domain names which use #IDN?
Either #emoji domains or non-Latin scripts?
Would Mastodon render them as user@🐘.tld or use #punycode for user@xn--go8h.tld?
#fediverse #idn #emoji #punycode
Fun with internationalised domains:
Mastodon appears to render some Emoji characters in domains (but not all, I haven't had a chance to dig into the code yet).
If you want to be doubly verified, add a DNS record for "xn--13h" which is the punycode for ☑️, then configure and use that as your URL. See my profile for an example.
(I haven't posted an introduction, but expect more DNS crazy and silliness, some past hits have included Wordle over DNS and Wikipedia over DNS.)
#punycode #idna #unicode #emoji #dns
Thanks Nick! "punycode exploit" was not on my bingo card for the year. I have to wonder if there are other weird and mostly untested #punycode parsers out there that would fall apart with unusual inputs.