Either way, these are always horrifying under the skin #puppeteersofmastodon #puppetry #maker #behindthescenes
#puppeteersofmastodon #puppetry #maker #behindthescenes
I am now acutely aware of my spine #thomassanders #cryptidhaus #puppets #puppetry #puppeteersofmastodon #cryptids #jimhenson
#thomassanders #cryptidhaus #puppets #puppetry #puppeteersofmastodon #cryptids #jimhenson
This is why you don't leave the puppeteers unsupervised on a #startrek set!
We have too much fun! 😆
#startrek #puppeteersofmastodon #puppets #Onset #startrektos
Visiting the #tardis #littlelibrary in Macon, Ga!
#tardis #littlelibrary #doctorwho #puppets #puppeteersofmastodon
Frankenstein's monster got a new bod.
(Backstage at Sinful Sundays #burlesque )
#burlesque #puppeteersofmastodon #frankenstein #monsters
The very first puppet we ever "sold" was to Frazer Hines!
He loved our Jamie McCrimmon so much he wanted to keep him! How could we say no? Thankfully, we didn't need Jamie for a show!
Frazer traded us a bundle of signed merch and took little Jamie home with him.
Yes, apparently we accept #doctorwho merch as currency! 😆
#doctorwho #puppeteersofmastodon #puppetry #puppets #scifi
Veronica Dashiell of @feltnerdy and @earthstationtrek and Kayshon at Dragon Con!
#puppeteersofmastodon #startrek #trekkie #lowerdecks #startreklowerdecks