> If you’re just looking for something to run VNC/RDP/Whatever to another box, I recommend TinyCoreLinux. Provides a minimal GUI and can run in as little as 10MB.
That *is* what I'm looking for. Why do you recommend #TinyCoreLinux over #PuppyLinx? I know it's smaller, but the difference of a few MB will *probably* not be the deciding factor for this setup.
> If you’re just looking for something to run VNC/RDP/Whatever to another box, I recommend TinyCoreLinux. Provides a minimal GUI and can run in as little as 10MB.
That *is* what I'm looking for. Why do you recommend #TinyCoreLinux over #PuppyLinx? I know it's smaller, but the difference of a few MB will *probably* not be the deciding factor for this setup.