Today was the final #MapaTime session with #PUPSJCWTS volunteers, who are students taking up Accountancy and Education courses in their San Juan campus.
Thank you for your effort and contributions, especially to the #OSMaPaaralan school mapping project. We hope to see you again in future mapathons.
#mapatime #pupsjcwts #osmapaaralan
Today's a good day! 😎
Pleased to see more bikes, when typically I just see one or two parked here! And yeah, even with the informal facilities. 🚲
Thank you to the #PUPSJCWTS mappers, who added over 700 #OSMaPaaralan schools -- which is typically about the same number (1/2)
The barangay (village) government of Santa Ana in Taytay supported the effort logistically, and their mapping efforts were supplemented by #PUPSJCWTS volunteers.
The on-going task that utilizes the imagery is at
Thank you to our #PUPSJCWTS volunteers who participated in today's #MapaTime session, who validated and mapped a total of 463 schools in #OpenStreetMap, and part of our #OSMaPaaralan project.
Typically, contributors get to add about 250 schools per month.
You may also notice that they didn't get to map anything in Palawan, only because @maningsambale finished them all last week! 😁
Try it yourself, on #MapRoulette :
#pupsjcwts #mapatime #OpenStreetMap #osmapaaralan #maproulette
From a convo with #PUPSJCWTS students, "Community service" for many young people, it seems, is often associated to helping sweep or clean neighborhoods.
So when told about the #MapaTime mapping sessions, many thought they were "MOPPING" sessions
They now realized there are many ways to climb a tree, and there are other ways to improve neighborhoods, and serve communities as young #humanitarians
#pupsjcwts #mapatime #humanitarians
One week into the new term and the #PUPSJCWTS students are back for #MapaTime, and contributing to mapping tasks in the #Philippines, in particular the community mapping project in Lupang Arenda, Taytay, Rizal.
The community is using vertical and horizontal imagery collected earlier by friends of #OSMph
#pupsjcwts #mapatime #philippines #osmph
The #PUPSJCWTS contributors' group photo, after adding schools in the Philippines during #MapaTime and clearing the tasks in Siquijor and Camiguin
Thank you for lending a hand today, awesome folks!
Follow-up #MapaTime activity after the #tabangAI road-mapping in Camiguin and Siquijor -- validating and updating public schools thru #OSMaPaaralan
Thank you to our awesome volunteers and supporters of #PUPSJCWTS
#mapatime #tabangai #osmapaaralan #pupsjcwts
In today's #mapatime , #PUPSJCWTS volunteers used #RapiD to contribute and validate #OpenStreetMap roads in #Siquijor province, for the local community's #tabangai effort. Thank you awesome folks!
#mapatime #pupsjcwts #rapid #OpenStreetMap #siquijor #tabangai
Volunteers from #pupsjcwts are continuing their contributions to the Lupang Arenda community mapping tasks during #MapaTime:
Meanwhile, in PUP San Juan, we're starting a new round of CWTS++ socialization, with new volunteers, and introducing #OpenStreetMap to fresh participants.
Also, somewhere in their campus, we found a map of the #Philippines, in an unknown projection. 😜 #PUPSJCWTS
#OpenStreetMap #philippines #pupsjcwts
The #pupsjcwts student-volunteers in today's #mapatime mapathon for #kathmandulivinglabs monsoon flooding tasks in Nepal and India. Thank you folks for your contributions to the map today.
#pupsjcwts #mapatime #kathmandulivinglabs
Today's #MapaTime #mapathon session with #PUPSJCWTS volunteers mapped the town of Coron on #OpenStreetMap using #OpenAerialMap imagery by local drone enthusiasts, processed with #OpenDroneMap
#mapatime #mapathon #pupsjcwts #OpenStreetMap #openaerialmap #opendronemap