I had a pee on a car in a lucid dream. I didn't finish, because I was worried that I might actually be peeing myself in my actual bed. I woke up. I had not peed myself. Since then I have been struggling with an intrusive thought whenever I pee. I question my reality, and wonder if I am actually in a dream, and peeing in my actual non-dream bed.
I don't know how to intro.
You can talk to me about any of this stuff.
#genderdysphoria #socialpanic #socialphobia #pureo #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #RBD #rembehaviouralsleepdisorder #sound #musician #artist #trans #140characters #poetry140 #poetry #microfiction
Amongst other things, I have the following diagnosed conditions.
#RBD #rembehaviouralsleepdisorder
#socialphobia #socialpanic
Those are things that you can talk about with me.
#genderdysphoria #socialpanic #socialphobia #bpd #pureo #rembehaviouralsleepdisorder #RBD