The #PentagonLeakers ⬇️ could be ANY of the thousands of #DarkMAGA cult members STILL in the United States 🇺🇸 military. They have ALL been brainwashed by #Qanon (aka Vladimir Putin) propaganda. The next leak could be of classified information about American strategies, not #Ukrainian ones.
#PurgeTheForces of #MAGA cult members to #SaveAmerica !
#pentagonleakers #DarkMAGA #qanon #ukrainian #purgetheforces #MAGA #saveamerica
Now let’s do the same in the United States’ Congress and military!
#PurgeTheForces and Congress of #DarkMAGA cult members!
@SandaBlueDeux @antonioserrata @dutchiegirlie @morgfair I heard that the FBI is about 95% white men and they don't see white supremacists as a major threat. This should have been classified as domestic terrorism a long time ago. #PurgeTheForces of those that burn crosses. #RATM