Saw a knitter on the subway, a picker but with the right hand (I'm a thrower, w/my right [active] hand, usually I see pickers w/yarn in left [passive; not the needle] hand). I asked and she knit the beautiful colorwork sweater she was wearing. Grey w/off-white blocks. Small needles for me, they looked like four or fives.
#knit #purl #colorwork #not #my #thing #cables I #love #knitter #thrower #picker #Continental #European #knitting #purling #cabling #color #work too #size #needles
#knit #purl #colorwork #not #my #thing #cables #love #knitter #thrower #picker #continental #european #knitting #purling #cabling #color #work #size #needles
During an #OntoCommons workshop talk I noticed the URL used as #RDF resource namespaces. I wondered, how continuity is ensured after project end and why not to use established #PURL services like But checking the URL, I noticed it is not accessible right now. Is it just not yet released?
During an #OntoCommons workshop talk I noticed the URL used as #RDF resource namespaces. I wondered, how continuity is ensured after project end and why not to use established #PURL services like But checking the URL, I noticed it is not accessible right now. Is it just not yet released?
On "World Weather Attribution team's ambitious goal [...] to provide answers almost as quickly as #disasters strike"
by @loisparshley
"growing ability to say decisively just how much #ClimateChange is to blame" with implications "from insurance claims and court cases to international negotiations" [3]
[3] Parshley, L., 2023. When disaster strikes, is climate change to blame? Scientific American 328 (6).
#disasters #ClimateChange #references #purl
On "World Weather Attribution team's ambitious goal [...] to provide answers almost as quickly as disasters strike": by @loisparshley
"growing ability to say decisively just how much #ClimateChange is to blame" with implications "from insurance claims and court cases to international negotiations" [3]
[3] Parshley, L., 2023. When disaster strikes, is climate change to blame? Scientific American 328 (6).
#ClimateChange #references #purl
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies shown against the 1991-2020 reference (climate already shifting) are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850-1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies shown against the 1991-2020 reference (climate already shifting) are ~ 0.9°C lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850-1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies shown against the 1991-2020 reference (#climate already heating) are ~ 0.9°C lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850-1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#Climate #references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies shown against the 1991-2020 reference (#climate already shifting) are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850-1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#Climate #references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies shown against the 1991-2020 reference (#Climate already shifting) are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850-1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#Climate #references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies against the 1991-2020 reference are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850 to 1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
In the above Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies against the 1991-2020 reference are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850 to 1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PacificNotions
🎵 livet vänder inte åter
#nowplaying #PacificNotions #purl
#Bibliotecaris del #fedivers, acabo de traduir al català l'entrada de la @viquipedia sobre el #PURL. #biblioteques
#bibliotecaris #fedivers #purl #biblioteques
I felt like I was holding the needles awkwardly, and my pinky finger would sometimes hurt, so I went looking for tips on #knitting styles. I came across videos about continental style. The best videos for this I found were by NimbleNeedles: #knit and #purl
I've been focusing on the #knit stitch, trying to get it down in my brain, and today I am switching to #purl stitches and they (not surprisingly) look as bad as my first day's knit stitches.
(I'm a way away from trying to knit a thing. Just trying to get the process down in my brain.)