Joshi Wrestling is something.
Mizuki vs. Maki Itoh.
#wrestling #puroresu #TJPW
Non mi aspettavo una vittoria di Naito ma la finale con Okada è stata davvero bella. E la semifinale con Ospreay è un MOTYC.
Il torneo in sé ha avuto alti e bassi ma è stato in generale appassionante e con un buon booking.
#puroresu #wrestling #njpw #g1climax
#puroresu #wrestling #njpw #g1climax
Quest'anno sono ancora incredibilmente in pari con il #G1CLIMAX33 e me lo sto godendo per bene.
Per ora i migliori match a mio giudizio sono stati:
Okada vs Ospreay
Kingston vs Ishii
Kiyomiya vs Kidd
Kiyomiya vs Sanada
#g1climax33 #wrestling #puroresu #njpw
New podcast is out. We are basically on every podcast platform! Would love for you to check us out :) #aew #AEWDynamite #Puroresu #puro
#aew #AEWDynamite #puroresu #puro
Comunque a Novembre andrò in Giappone. Una tappa sarà sicuramente il negozio di Minoru Suzuki.
#puroresu #minorusuzuki #wrestling #japan
#puroresu #minorusuzuki #wrestling #japan
Unbelievably hype for the Stardom show this weekend.
#stardom #joshi #prowrestling #puroresu
It was such a great show and I am still just so happy for them all 😭
#prowrestling #tjpw #プロレス #puroresu #joshi
It was such a great show and I am still just so happy for them all😭
#prowrestling #tjpw #プロレス #puroresu #joshi
I am SO HAPPY for TJPW right now!
#prowrestling #tjpw #プロレス #puroresu #joshi
Watched all three of the Mutoh/Muta retirement matches in one sitting tonight. AMA
#puroresu #wrestling #prowrestlingnoah
This week's We Are Stardom features two Tsukiyama Waka matches because even #Stardom knows that #Wakamania is running wild! #joshi #WomensWrestling #japanesewrestling #puroresu
#stardom #wakamania #joshi #womenswrestling #japanesewrestling #puroresu
More #ChocoPro as the march to #episode300 continues! #japanesewrestling #wrestling #Puroresu #joshi
#chocopro #episode300 #japanesewrestling #wrestling #puroresu #joshi
Check out the return of the great tag team Curly Crazies (Baliyan Akki and #GPU_Colors SAKI) on today's edition of #Chocopro! #japanesewrestling #Wrestling #puroresu
#gpu_colors #chocopro #japanesewrestling #wrestling #puroresu
one of those dream bookings that just seems to happen every week or so in #puroresu
Jun Kasai and Asuka / Veny vs. Isami Kodaka and DASH Chisako
Sendai Girls Queen of the Ring
20.11.2022 @ #KorakuenHall
#プロレス #prowrestling #SendaiGirls #Japan #wrestling #fullmatch
#puroresu #korakuenhall #プロレス #prowrestling #sendaigirls #japan #wrestling #fullmatch
And part 2 of the stream. don't think about it, just enjoy #ChocoPro #puroresu
I’m listening to Wheeler Yuta on The Sessions and my heart has grown three sizes this day. His upbringing and traditions sound exactly like mine and it’s so specific to being half Japanese in this country. #puroresu #ROH #AEW #Wheeler #Yuta #ReneePaquette #TheSessions #BCC
#bcc #thesessions #reneepaquette #yuta #wheeler #aew #roh #puroresu