Me: Hey, maybe if I make something from the other photos of this flower, keeping the alien theme going, it will all make a bit more sense.
[makes follow-up image]
Me: Nope. This is explaining NOTHING.
#nature #photography #PhotoShop #silly #alien #creature #PurpleBeastVisitingUsFromTheStars #BlueFriendsOfThePurpleBeast
#nature #photography #photoshop #silly #alien #creature #purplebeastvisitingusfromthestars #bluefriendsofthepurplebeast
I took a few macro photos of this purple and cream flower. None of the photos were quite right, but they all made me think of alien landscapes. They were very other-worldly.
Then one of them turned into this.
I think it's friendly.
#nature #photography #PhotoShop #silly #alien #creature #PurpleBeastVisitingUsFromTheStars
#nature #photography #photoshop #silly #alien #creature #purplebeastvisitingusfromthestars