CalliEcho ⚡⚡ · @CalliEcho
129 followers · 169 posts · Server

Image description:
A sequence of four images depicting a young woman turning into a young man.

Panel 1: A girl with long blue hair, a bare chest, and purple panties hovers over a gradient background. A disembodied voice says: "Such a pretty thing... What a waste."

Panel 2: A cropped shot of the girl's torso, with obscured limbs. Shadowed lines show the outline of her formerly large breast and butt -- both flatter now -- and groin -- growing larger. Lines of leg hair have begun to appear. The disembodied voice says: "A round behind? No, that won't do. Flatten this chest... You won't need those any longer. So immodest... Some body hair will help cover you up."

Panel 3: A close up of the back of the girl's head, turned slightly toward the camera. Her long hair has been sheared short, the removed length floating away. Her earring has come out and is falling into separate pieces. Patches of beard are growing in through what appears to be a five-o-clock-shadow. The disembodied voice says: "Locks so luscious will need to go."

Panel 4: A man with short blue hair, a bare chest, and purple panties hovers over a gradient background. His chest has patches of hair over his pecs and running up from his groin. The panties contain -- barely -- a sizeable member. Hair coats his forearms and legs. A disembodied voice says: "Yes. A much more appropriate form for you~"

#tftuesday #transfur #tfeveryday #tf #transformation #human #sequence #ftm #femaletomale #ftmtransformation #cuthair #shrinkingbreasts #bulge #blush #bluehair #simplebackground #panties #earring #purpleeyes

Last updated 1 year ago

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