The woman who made up a story about #homelessvets being thrown out of a hotel to make room for #migrants also apparently lied about receiving a #PurpleHeart. And now the perpetually outraged, local #Republicans who bought into her story have egg all over their faces. It's clear she has mental health issues, which were enabled by the credulous, self-serving Republicans who were eager to promote her bullshit. It was all a lie.
#homelessvets #migrants #purpleheart #republicans #goplies #stolenvalor
Today in #Connecticut History, May 3: A Revolutionary Medal for the Common Soldier
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#18thcentury #americanrevolution #badgeofmilitarymerit #connecticuthistory #danielbissell #douglasmacarthur #eastwindsor #elijahchurchill #enfield #georgewashington #may #militaryhistory #purpleheart #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #stamford
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #badgeofmilitarymerit #connecticuthistory #danielbissell #douglasmacarthur #eastwindsor #elijahchurchill #enfield #georgewashington #may #militaryhistory #purpleheart #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #stamford
New growth on my purple heart! I can’t wait to get some soil for it. #purpleheart #plants #tradescantia #newgrowth #beginnerplantparent
#purpleheart #plants #tradescantia #NewGrowth #beginnerplantparent
‘A horrible vote’: Congress revisits one of its gravest mistakes, the Iraq War
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.)
“Our troops show up, over and over and over again,” Duckworth said in an interview Wednesday, “and we don’t have the guts here to have a real debate and a real vote each time we want to send them.”
More than two decades after that initial vote, Congress appears ready finally to scrap the 2002 Iraq War resolution one of its most flawed votes ever.
Friends of mine needed a new coat rack for their entry way that had more hooks and wasn’t falling down- so I here it is!
#wood #woodworking #woodworker #wooddesign #purpleheart #maple #custom #maker #woodworkingvancouver #woodfurniture
#wood #woodworking #woodworker #wooddesign #purpleheart #maple #custom #maker #woodworkingvancouver #woodfurniture
Wer nach dem heutigen Spieltag noch #Hertha‘fan ist, darf sich am Montag in der Geschäftsstelle von #HerthaBSC ein #PurpleHeart abholen!
#bscfcu #hahohe #purpleheart #HerthaBSC #hertha
Wer nach dem heutigen Spieltag noch #Hertha‘fan ist, darf sich am Montag in der Geschäftsstelle von #HerthaBSC ein #PurpleHeart abholen!
#bscfcu #hahohe #purpleheart #HerthaBSC #hertha
I am disappointed with #Biden. First, I read about the #PurpleHeart lie, and now it's non-stop talk about mishandling #classified documents. I get that the Biden/Trump comparison is apple/orange, but fuuuck. #DoBetterBeBetter Democrats.
#biden #purpleheart #classified #DoBetterBeBetter
The #purpleheart is native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico grows pretty well here too in #Caulfield #Australia!
These bloom in the heart of summer with small, three-petaled flowers of white, pink or purple.
👋 from Melbourne, Australia.
#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #narrm #victoria #Australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
#purpleheart #caulfield #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #narrm #victoria #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
TIL #GeorgeSantos was awarded a #PurpleHeart and a #NobelPeacePrize by ingeniously identifying #German #Uboat coordinates using an #Ovaltine code-breaking kit and saving #WWII.
Also his mother invented #flapjacks.
#georgesantos #purpleheart #nobelpeaceprize #german #uboat #ovaltine #wwii #flapjacks
#BIDEN #LIES, DAMN LIES AND EGREGIOUS LIES! Biden lied to #veterans about a completely bogus story about a #PurpleHeart and his own family.
Biden made the remarks during a town hall for U.S. veterans in /#Delaware this past Friday”
#biden #lies #veterans #purpleheart
A remake of my Purple Heart beach photo I've made in SFM
#sfm #neptunia #purpleheart #neptune #beach Finally some good news, honoring our wounded veterans fighting for us all! #veterans #purpleheart
@MrMaxPowers247 yea ok. You do that skippymcdumbfuck. Let me know the first time you hear a bullet whizz buy cause obviously playing on an Xbox isn’t real combat. #purpleheart #usmc #iraisedmyrighthandafewtimes
#purpleheart #usmc #iraisedmyrighthandafewtimes
August 7 (yesterday) is Purple Heart Day. The Purple Heart was originally established by Gen. George Washington in 1782, and is a solemn tribute to service members who have been wounded or paid the ultimate sacrifice for our countries freedom. #PurpleHeartDay #PurpleHeart
BREAKING: FBI Arrests Pastor And Purple Heart Veteran, 73, For 1/6 Capitol Protest, Then His Son In Front Of 3-Year-Old Daughter
#Pastor #PurpleHeart #veteran #CapitolProtest #Arrests
#Arrests #CapitolProtest #veteran #purpleheart #pastor
💜Purple Heart💜 from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Commission for eKileez on Twitter - Thank you very much!💜
#oppai #neptunia #anime #videogame #fanart #cum #neptune #purpleheart #commission #collar #bdsm
#oppai #neptunia #anime #videogame #fanart #cum #neptune #purpleheart #commission #collar #bdsm