My irises are about 6 inches tall now. When they bloom, they rather smell like grape. They have thrived in the sunnier spot in the garden. A favorite flower.
#purpleiris #flowers #floralart #photo #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #nature #MastoArt #fedigiftshop #beauty
#beauty #fedigiftshop #MastoArt #Nature #buyintoart #ayearforart #Photo #floralart #Flowers #purpleiris
According to folklore, the ancient Greeks planted purple irises graves so the goddess Iris would lead their loved ones to heaven. In the Victorian language of flowers, the iris means you're sending an important message. #FolkloreThursday #PlantLore #PlantFolklore #Folklore #FlowersOfMastodon #PurpleIris #VictorianLanguageOfFlowers #FabulousFolklorePodcast [My Image]
#folklorethursday #PlantLore #plantfolklore #folklore #FlowersOfMastodon #purpleiris #victorianlanguageofflowers #FabulousFolklorePodcast
RT @barbosavl: My first iris just bloomed and is looking stunning! #FlowersOnFriday #iris #purpleiris #flowers #flowerphotography #garden #FridayMotivation
#FlowersOnFriday #iris #purpleiris #flowers #FlowerPhotography #garden #FridayMotivation