@yoongiatto it won’t take long to figure it out. We’re kind here 😊💜 #PurpleWhaleTips and #FediTips are good hashtags to click on and follow to help!
Purple Whale Tip 3 - Bonus: Helping Moots Find You!
The other way to find moots is via the Profile Directory. You can check ours out at: https://apobangpo.space/directory.
You'll need to opt-in to get listed there by going to 'Edit profile > Suggest account to others' and ticking the box top opt in.
Choosing this setting will allow you to be found in the Directory, For You tab, in Explore and Search.
Purple Whale Tip 3: Finding Moots
The best way to find moots to follow is to search on hashtags. Here in the Purple Fediverse, the best ones to use are #BTS, #BTSArmy and #FediArmy.
You should also use hashtags in your own posts, so people who are interested in what you're posting about can find you.
ProTip: It's really important to add some info in your Profile before you start following. Most users will be less likely to follow back if your profile is blank.
#bts #btsarmy #fediarmy #purplewhaletips
Purple Whale Tip 2: Image Descriptions Rule.
Not only do they improve accessibility for all users on Mastodon, they’re also fun to write!
Add a description (sometimes referred to as an alt-tag) to the media you are sharing next time you post!
Include some info about the content of the image (eg. Who, What, Where, Why) and a description of what's visible.
To add yours, when uploading an image or video, click on the 'edit' or 'caption' button to add your description.
Purple Whale Tip 1: Use Tags!
The algorithm isn’t here to create a timeline for you (like it does on the birdapp). But the cool thing about that is we get to create the purple feed together by using great #Hashtags.
Try adding these to you next post – #BTS #BTSArmy #KPop and #FediArmy and see if some new mootsies find you!
If we effectively we tag our posts, everyone can find and interact with each other more easily!
#hashtags #bts #btsarmy #kpop #fediarmy #purplewhaletips
Purple Whale Tip 4: Try Out Some Apps!
Let's be honest, the default Mastodon app kind of sucks. But the great news is, there are lots of other options.
Check out the list here - https://joinmastodon.org/apps
Some of our favourites at Apobangpo include: Toot! & Ivory for iOS, Tusky & Fedilab for Android, and Elk for web.
Ask your moots what they use and do some testing!
To add the server on an app, you need to use our domain name - apobangpo . space (without the spaces!)
Purple Whale Tip 3 - Bonus: Helping Moots Find You!
The other way to find moots is via the Profile Directory.
You can check ours out at: https://apobangpo.space/directory.
You'll need to opt-in to get listed there by going to 'Edit profile > Suggest account to others' and ticking the box top opt in.
Choosing this setting will allow you to be found in the Directory, For You tab, in Explore and Search.
Purple Whale Tip 3: Finding Moots
The best way to find moots to follow is to search on hashtags. Here in the Purple Fediverse, the best ones to use are #BTS, #BTSArmy and #FediArmy.
You should also use hashtags in your own posts, so people who are interested in what you're posting about can find you.
ProTip: It's really important to add some info in your Profile before you start following. Most users will be less likely to follow back if your profile is blank.
#bts #btsarmy #fediarmy #purplewhaletips
Purple Whale Tip 2: Image Descriptions Rule.
Not only do they improve accessibility for all users on Mastodon, they’re also fun to write!
Add a description (sometimes referred to as an alt-tag) to the media you are sharing next time you post!
Include some info about the content of the image (eg. Who, What, Where, Why) and a description of what's visible.
To add yours, when uploading an image or video, click on the 'edit' or 'caption' button to add your description.
Purple Whale Tip 1: Use Tags!
The algorithm isn’t here to create a timeline for you (like it does on the birdapp). But the cool thing about that is we get to create purple feed together by using great #Hashtags.
Try adding these to you next post – #BTS #BTSArmy #KPop and #FediArmy and see if some new mootsies find you!
If we effectively we tag our posts, everyone can find and interact with each other more easily!
#hashtags #bts #btsarmy #kpop #fediarmy #purplewhaletips
HI and welcome to all our new #FediArmys! We use this account to share the occasional tip, trick or server announcement. I hope you find them useful! Today I'll be sharing #OT7Tips to help you get started!
Let me know if you have a burning question! 💜
#fediarmys #ot7tips #btsarmy #purplewhaletips
@Honeyy 👋 welcome! I spend most of the time here now. https://fedi.tips/ ⬅️ I used this resource for getting to know Mastodon. And I follow some # that are helpful for more info #feditips and #PurpleWhaleTips Feel free to ask any questions! #apobangpo
#feditips #purplewhaletips #apobangpo
Don't forget to check out our FAQ for useful tips and info to help you settle into Apobangpo and find some moots!
#purplewhaletips #apobangpo #btsarmy
Because we've had this question a few times lately, we've written a blog post about how to Migrate Apobangpo from another Mastodon account.
Check out: https://apobangpo.website/moving-your-account-to-apobangpo/
#apobangpo #mastodonmigration #howto #purplewhaletips
Yo experienced Apobangpo Army. I'm getting ready to write some more blog posts for newbies.
Please help by telling me the thing you most wanted to know during your first visit to Mastodon .. Or the thing that was hard to figure out .. Or the thing you still want to learn more about!
Help us build up our collection of resources to help newbies settle into our happy Purple space!
#Apobangpo #BTSARMYxMastodon #SupportingArmyBabyTooters #PurpleWhaleTips
#apobangpo #btsarmyxmastodon #supportingarmybabytooters #purplewhaletips
Tip 3: Wanna find moots? 💜 🐳
Check out the Profile Directory here: https://apobangpo.space/directory
It is a listing of all the users who’ve opted into sharing their profile and there are some great users to discover.
You can read more of my OT7 tips here: https://apobangpo.website/ot7-mastodon-tips/
#purplewhaletips #apobangpo #mastodon
OT7 Tip Number 5: Share your @
Your address on Mastodon is a bit more like an email address in its form. It includes your username and your instance name (server).
Eg. Mine is @PurpleWhale
Share your @ via other social media sites and with friends so you can find each other!
You can also share your Profile link which is https://apobangpo.space/@yourusername.
For example mine is https://apobangpo.space/@PurpleWhale
Check out my OT7 Tips @ https://apobangpo.website/ot7-mastodon-tips/
#purplewhaletips #apobangpo #mastodon
A Mastodon Tip for our newbies!
Tip 4: Wanna be found?
If you want to opt in to being easily discovered on the timeline and in the Profile Directory, go to your profile settings and make sure ‘Suggest account to others‘ is checked.
Using Hashtags (see Tip 1) will also help other users to discover you on the timeline.
Check out my OT7 Tips @ https://apobangpo.website/ot7-mastodon-tips/
#purplewhaletips #apobangpo #mastodon
Tip 3: Wanna find moots? 💜 🐳
Check out the Profile Directory here: https://apobangpo.space/directory
It is a listing of all the users who’ve opted into sharing their profile and there are some great users to discover.
You can read more of my OT7 tips here: https://apobangpo.website/ot7-mastodon-tips/
#purplewhaletips #apobangpo #mastodon
Ohhai Apobangpo Peeps (Apobangpoians? Apobangs?) 🤭💜
I've been working on some #PurpleWhaleTips! Check them out @ https://apobangpo.website/ot7-mastodon-tips/
Tip 1: Use Tags.
The algorithm isn’t here to force feed you (like it does on the birdapp), but we can create a cool purple feed together by using great #Hashtags.
If we effectively we tag our posts, everyone can find and interact with each other more easily! Yay!
Try adding these to you next post – #BTS #BTSArmyXMastodon #KPop #apobangpo
#purplewhaletips #hashtags #bts #btsarmyxmastodon #kpop #apobangpo