@cb As an added bonus, it actually has a nicer UI than #vanillaPd itself. (Ok that's not too hard, but I think it does a better job at it than #PurrData, etc.)
OK, so how do I get purr data on to the latest version of Ubuntu without building from source?
I'd like to do a quick demo with purr data, but I don't k ow if it has the zl classes, the debs for linux are a wee bit out of date and the download link on the official page goes to something behind a gitlab login wall.
I dedicated a year of my life to creating the ultimate Markov chain for MAX and purr data doesn't even come with a Markov object.
Was 1999 a wasted year, trying to abstract counterpoint into a mathematical table to make algorithmic dance music?
I've got a #PD question: If I want to do a sub patch where part of it is visible in the main patch - like say a loop player where I can see the array of steps - and I want to have three of them, Can I write a separate PD file and use that three times or do I need to cut and paste the same code three times?
If I want my three patchers but I want to initialise them with different send names or filenames, can I embed the PD file into a subpatcher and put the sends and file loaders around it and still make the visible interface available?
.... I feel like this is obviously possible now that I'm writing it....
Work in progress. I'm so happy! #puredata #purrdata #sideproject
#puredata #purrdata #sideproject
Preset reader was less complicated than expected. #puredata #purrdata #sideproject #audioprogramming
#puredata #purrdata #sideproject #audioprogramming
Looking for #PD objects that do #linlin #linexp #explin and #expexp. That is to say, that maps an incoming number in a particular range to an outgoing number in a different range. The incoming range may be exponential or linear, as can be the outgoing range.
I think in MAX, the object is called scale.
The object doesn't need to be in PD vanilla, but it must be in #PurrData
All help very appreciated.
#puredata #purrdata #expexp #explin #linexp #linlin #pd
I spent some time recently cleaning up my #EmPd stuff for compiling #LibPd #Pd #PureData with #Emscripten so you can run audio patches in the #WebBrowser (without pd-gui support, but you can build custom GUIs to make interactive things).
Instructions at
Currently working on trying to support #Gem via Emscripten's #Regal port, but it's frustrating because Gem's `./configure` takes forever and I'm not skilled at #autoconf stuff to know how to fix it when weird things happen.
I heard #PurrData has a browser thing now too, maybe I should see how they do it. Don't know if they have Gem there.
#purrdata #autoconf #regal #gem #webbrowser #emscripten #puredata #pd #LibPd #EmPd