Bravo to Laura Jamison, whose harrowing and powerful story, "Just Her Luck," first published in #scoundreltime is a Special Mention in this year's Pushcart anthology. #fiction #pushcartprize #shortstories #writingcommunity
#scoundreltime #fiction #pushcartprize #shortstories #writingcommunity
I'm thrilled to say that "Just Her Luck," a short story by Laura Jamison published in Scoundrel Time, has been selected for "Special Mention" in the new 2023 edition of the Pushcart Prize anthology!
You can read it here:
#fiction #shortstory #scoundreltime #pushcartprize #specialmention #literary #litmag #writingcommunity #writers #readers
#readers #writers #writingcommunity #litmag #literary #specialmention #pushcartprize #ScoundrelTime #shortstory #fiction
Lovely to hear that a favourite piece of #flashfiction of mine 'The Watchtower Seasons' has been nominated for a #pushcartprize Thanks #newflashfictionreview
#newflashfictionreview #pushcartprize #flashfiction
We are delighted to nominate Prof. Maud Lavin (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) for this year's Pushcart Prize!
Read - and listen to a reading of - "Clumsy Poem" in our July issue:
And "Topology" in our November issue:
#poetry #pushcartprize #pushcart
We are delighted to nominate Prof. Maud Lavin (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) for this year's Pushcart Prize!
Read - and listen to a reading - of "Clumsy Poem" in our July issue:
And "Topology" in our November issue:
#poetry #pushcartprize #pushcart
In honor of the publication that nominated me for A DAMN PUSHCART PRIZE, this is the piece they selected: this is "can't negotiate with the devil (or, a devil)"; have a read, then go check out the whooole issue over there:
or, read the single piece here:
Also I entered the noun #cope in the literary canon, how smooth is that.
#pushcartprize #scribbledons #poetry #lit #cope
Here's a link to another of our #essay nominees:
"A Thousand Times More than a Thousand Times More: A Working Class Boy Surveys the Altitudes of American Money" by David L. Englehardt
#writers #readers #litmag #ScoundrelTime #cnf #nonfiction #PushcartPrize #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #pushcartprize #nonfiction #cnf #ScoundrelTime #litmag #readers #writers #essay
Here's a link to one of our #essay nominees:
"It's Hard to Be Housed" by Elizabeth Robinson
#nonfiction #litmag #PushcartPrize #ScoundrelTime #writers #readers #writingcommunity #cnf
#cnf #writingcommunity #readers #writers #ScoundrelTime #pushcartprize #litmag #nonfiction #essay
Here's a link to another of our #fiction nominees:
"The Escape" by Seraph
#ScoundrelTime #litmag #PushcartPrize #writers #readers #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #readers #writers #pushcartprize #litmag #ScoundrelTime #fiction
Here's a link to one of our #fiction nominees:
"Burger Revolution" by Ranjan Adiga
#ScoundrelTime #litmag #PushcartPrize #writers #readers #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #readers #writers #pushcartprize #litmag #ScoundrelTime #fiction
Here's a link to another #poetry nominee from #ScoundrelTime
"We Followed the American Fleeing, Fled" by Jenny Hykes Jiang
#writingcommunity #pushcartprize #readers #writers #litmag #ScoundrelTime #poetry
Here are links to #ScoundrelTime's #poetry nominees:
"I am an Elevator" by Snezana Zabic
"We Followed the American Fleeing, Fled," by Jenny Hykes Jiang
#writers #readers #litmag #pushcartprize #poetry #ScoundrelTime
I am excited to announce #ScoundrelTime journal's nominees for this year's #PushcartPrize:
"I am an Elevator" by Snezana Zabic
"We Followed the American Fleeing, Fled," by Jenny Hykes Jiang
"The Escape," by Seraph
"Burger Revolution," by Ranjan Adiga
"A Thousand Times More than a Thousand Times More," by David L. Engelhardt
"It's Hard to be Housed," by Elizabeth Robinson
#writingcommunity #cnf #literary #writers #readers #litmag #essay #fiction #poetry #pushcartprize #ScoundrelTime
We love nomination season!
All #creativenonfiction #essay links here:
#pushcart #pushcartprize #smallpress
#smallpress #pushcartprize #pushcart #essay #creativenonfiction
Just learned that my short story "Big Bird" has been nominated for a #PushcartPrize! Thank you to EIC Michael Nye and the #StoryMagazine team for choosing my story and supporting my work. ❤️ #shortstories #fiction #litmags #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #litmags #fiction #shortstories #storymagazine #pushcartprize
Also: does anyone know if #BestAmericanEssays and/or #PushcartPrize accepts nominations of #VisualEssays (essays w both text and images)?
#visualessays #pushcartprize #bestamericanessays
"Each year the man of the sand would rise to life. We children would go to see him and make a wish. More sweets. Better dads. If the earth beneath him growled this meant it was ready to take him home and our wish would soon come true. We had to be careful, the ground would rather eat a child than take back the man of the sand."
Free to read here:
My short story The Man of The Sand was published earlier this year by Bear Creek Gazette. It was recently nominated for the Pushcart Prize!
#writing #writingcommunity #fiction #shortstory #flashfiction #writer #pushcart #pushcartprize
#writing #writingcommunity #fiction #shortstory #flashfiction #writer #pushcart #pushcartprize