shows that deleting submissions on Reddit (especially r/Advice, r/AmItheAsshole, and r/relationship_advice) is common: ~50% are deleted, most within the first day/week. Most interviewees were not overly concerned about deleted submissions persisting elsewhere (e.g., social media, archives, and datasets) as long as they are not easily conne…: “Even pseudonyms and throwaways delete their Reddit posts” #reddit #ethics #research #pushshift
#reddit #ethics #research #pushshift
If you don't care about social media companies newly charging exorbitant fees for API usage for #disinformation research, maybe you'll care about this other kind of social science research. Consider all the quantified cultural heritage we are losing when only VC-backed LLM factories can access internet history. Dirthatted wankclownery. #DigitalHumanities #Reddit #PushShift #Culture #Sociology #internetculture #socialscience
#socialscience #internetculture #sociology #culture #pushshift #reddit #digitalhumanities #disinformation
Response from the Pushshift team:
Update from Jason Baumgartner:
Well, I suppose this means that the only way to do #socialmedia #research on Twitter in the near future will be to hard scrape all stuff. And say bye bye to the archives of data. And to any sort of independent validation of #Twitter health status.
Sure, we still have #Pushshift , until they pull the plug there as well.
#socialmedia #research #Twitter #pushshift