Anti-fascists were outnumbered, sure. But proud boys didn’t show, those few that did hid their colors and faces. This was a MAGA celebrity event — no more impactful than a crypto launch party on some loser’s yacht. Those with clout showed up to ogle, those without hid like dogs.

It was like attending the the county fair, except with a press corp ready for combat and a lot of misdirected anger.

That is all that Trump is worth in Miami


Last updated 1 year ago

Was ANTIFA at Trump’s Arraignment? Now that the press and propagandacists have moved on, lets talk!

About 200 fascists, many from out of state, invaded Miami for what was more of a circus than a rally. Far more press, some dressed for combat, also attended. 50+ anti-fascists of many organizations celebrated the fall of Trump and danced away the fascists.

#trumpindictmenttour #fucktrump #abolishthepresident #abolishthepolice #prisonersolidarity #thefourthestateispartofthestate #pissboycowards #communitydefense #pussyasstrump #miami

Last updated 1 year ago