#PutALittleLoveInYourHeart by #AlGreen and #AnnieLennox. Song catches me at the right moment and I swear to you it brings tears to my eyes. Listen to the lyrics and better yet live them. If you've watched #Scrooged you know what I'm talking about
#Xmas #Christmas #ChristmasEve #MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays
#putalittleloveinyourheart #algreen #annielennox #scrooged #xmas #christmas #christmaseve #merrychristmas #happyholidays
This week’s #80sSoundtrackSaturday is Annie Lennox and Al Green with “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” (1988) from the Scrooged #soundtrack. Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays and early Merry Christmas! #AnnieLennox #AlGreen #PutaLittleLoveinYourHeart #80s #80smusic #80smovie
#80smovie #80smusic #80s #putalittleloveinyourheart #algreen #AnnieLennox #Soundtrack #80ssoundtracksaturday