I'm not saying that accessibility is a problem in Higher Education, but I'm trying to boost photos of the HE strike that have #AltText and well... hmm.
@ucu #UCUrising #HigherEducation #StrikeSolidarity #UCUStrike #universities #Pensions #VI #PutAltTextOnYourPics #Accessibility #Disability #NEISVoid #DisabledStudents #Disabled
Just saying "photo of a strike" isn't really enough.
Ideas: What do the banners say? Is everyone wearing those cute, pink UCU hats? Where are they? Is anyone doing anything unusual? How many people? Big crowd? Rioting? Fighting with police? Standing about? Singing? Shouting? Looking cold? Just staff? Students? Impressive brazier? Marching?
#alttext #ucurising #highereducation #strikesolidarity #ucustrike #universities #pensions #vi #putalttextonyourpics #accessibility #disability #neisvoid #disabledstudents #disabled