U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan is deciding whether to draft legislation that would protect “former and/or current Presidents from politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials” in response to potential charges against former President Donald Trump for his role in making an alleged $130,000 hush-money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. #TraitorGymJordan #AllRoadsLeadToPutin #PutinCaucus #GOPFascists #ArrestTrumpNow #MAGAREPUBLICANTRAITORS
#traitorgymjordan #allroadsleadtoputin #putincaucus #GOPfascists #ArrestTrumpNow #magarepublicantraitors
In the 230 yrs. of the U.S. acquiring debt , 25% of the national debt was occured during the 4 yrs. of Donald Trump's presidency. Give me a break with the #PutinCaucus concern over debt.
#SeditionCaucus member Sen.#MikeLee advised #TraitorTrump to appoint #MerrickGarland to head the #FBI #InsurrectionCaucus has been rewarded for their treason with power They are the #PutinCaucus They are dismantling the legislative state of Democracy. They are acting above the law. They show domestic terrorists that sedition will get you power. The political and social violence is going to get worse Demand a #DomesticTerroristLaw from President Biden Enough is enough #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#seditioncaucus #mikelee #TraitorTrump #MerrickGarland #fbi #insurrectioncaucus #putincaucus #domesticterroristlaw #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
>A new report from Rolling Stone reveals that Rep. #GOPtraitorToDemocracy #PutinCaucus #InsurrectionParty #SeditionistPaulGosar (R-AZ) was warned by #StoptheSteal Nazi organizer #AliAlexander to leave the United States Capitol building on #January6thInsurrection before #DomesticTerrorists #MAGAextremists #TrumpCult incited by former President Donald #TraitorTrump breached the building with a violent attempted coup #ArrestPaulGosar #ArrestTrumpNow #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
#goptraitortodemocracy #putincaucus #insurrectionparty #seditionistpaulgosar #stopthesteal #AliAlexander #january6thinsurrection #DomesticTerrorists #magaextremists #trumpcult #TraitorTrump #arrestpaulgosar #ArrestTrumpNow #trumpcrimesyndicate
The US is exporting Fascism. As long as the #PutinCaucus lawmakers, Donald #TraitorTrump, #SteveBannon and their minions, #MAGAcult are not prosecuted for seditious conspiracy to overthrow our Democracy, the US will continue to export #Fascism.
#putincaucus #TraitorTrump #stevebannon #magacult #fascism
The #PutinCaucus is creating chaos in the House. They have effectively shut down governance. For the first time in 100 yrs., we have no Congress. On Jan.6th, there will be no mags in the Capitol building. Is it just me?