Barack Obama and Putin #PutinIsAWarCriminal #PutinIsAMonster #PutinIsEvil #HagueForPutin
#PutinIsAWarCriminal #putinisamonster #putinisevil #HagueForPutin
Barack Obama and Putin #PutinIsAWarCriminal #PutinIsAMonster #PutinIsEvil #HagueForPutin
#PutinIsAWarCriminal #putinisamonster #putinisevil #HagueForPutin
@DemocracyMatters Who the hell would ever trust a former KGB thug?!? Those dead eyes announced a soulless turd long ago. Trusting anything he says or does is just asking for a knife in the back.
Luftalarm im ganzen Land, es werden neue, massive Raketenangriffe befürchtet.
🛫 14:25 Belarus, Machulishchi - takeoff of the 2nd MiG-31K russian Air Force with tail number RF-92339! #RussiaisATerroistState #PutinIsEvil
#russiaisaterroiststate #putinisevil
9 hónap alatt oroszország 100 esetből 97-szer civil infrastruktúrát lőtt ki, és csak 3 esetben katonai célpontot.
What terrible statistics from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. 97% of all targets struck by Russia during the 9 months of the full-scale war were civilian objects - more than 16 thousand missile strikes were recorded. #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsEvil
#RussiaIsATerroristState #putinisevil
In Ukraine, 329 children are currently considered missing, while 12,034 have been deported to Russia, according to the Children of War government portal. 440 children were killed, 851 were wounded. #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsEvil
#RussiaIsATerroristState #putinisevil
One of Ukraine's largest hospitals nearly evacuated patients after Russian strikes cut water supply #StopRussiasAssaultWar #StandWithUkraine #PutinIsEvil
#putinisevil #StandWithUkraine #stoprussiasassaultwar
So this is what Putin does. First he sendes men, some of them practically boys, to war either to slaughter or get slaughtered. Then he makes their Mothers wipe the blood off him, live on TV. #Evil #Putin #PutinIsEvil #Putinism #PutinismIsEvil #Russia #PutinHasAFaceItsTheFaceOfEvil
#putinhasafaceitsthefaceofevil #Russia #putinismisevil #putinism #putinisevil #putin #evil