Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
273 followers · 2606 posts · Server aus.social

The people of and the world need to inform themselves fully about the : its political standpoint and mode of operation.
They are extreme RW supremascists akin to Nazis.

Whilst is like a modern day Hitler, there is no peace or stability in replacing him with an extremist equivalent of Heinrich Himmler.

The Russians need to be mindful they have been played as fools and welcoming someone worse as a replacement will take then further down the slippery slope to hell.

#russia #wagnergroup #putin #PutinIsaWarCriminal #putinlies #ukraine #zelensky #PutinWarCriminal

Last updated 1 year ago

tomstoreboe · @tomstoreboe
10 followers · 113 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Well said @POTUS
“This war is never a necessity. It’s a tragedy. President Putin chose this war. Every day the war continues is his choice. He could end the war with a word. It’s simple. Russia stops invading Ukraine, it would end the war. If Ukraine stopped defending itself against Russia, it would be the end of Ukraine. That’s why together, we’re making sure Ukraine can defend itself.”

#putinlies #StopRussia #ukraina

Last updated 1 year ago

MS noma · @nomab
18 followers · 593 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

Muss tier sich eigentlich putins Lügensammlung "Lage der Nation" antun?
is it necessary for me to lay hands on myself by hearing the lies of putler?
Es ist unnötig wie ein Kropf, da eh alles nur widerliche Lügen sind.
It is to needed like a hole in the head, because everything that this dog poop says are disgusting lies.

#putler #putinlies #putinisaliar #putinisadogpoop

Last updated 1 year ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1077 followers · 2517 posts · Server newsie.social


"We must recall the painful memories about the fatal dangers of appeasing a dictator...

of greedily grabbing at an ephemeral peace while guaranteeing a lasting war."
~@Kasparov63 in his 2015 book _Winter Is Coming_

Kasparov is right.
Appeasing Putin guarantees lasting war.

#russia #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #PutinsWar #putinlies

Last updated 2 years ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1077 followers · 2517 posts · Server newsie.social


“...Georgia was followed by Crimea. Look at the pictures of Grozny or Aleppo. Compare them to Kharkiv & Mariupol. Why do they look so similar?

Because Putin sees every off-ramp provided to him by the world as an entrance on the road to his next target.”

#russia #RussiaUkraineWar #PutinsWar #putinlies

Last updated 2 years ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1058 followers · 2284 posts · Server newsie.social


"The 2nd assumption made by those advocating off-ramps is that Russia, even if it were to begin negotiating, would stick to the agreements it signed...

But brazen dishonesty is now a normal part of Russian foreign policy as well as domestic propaganda."


#putin #russia #RussiaUkraineWar #putinlies

Last updated 2 years ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1057 followers · 2085 posts · Server newsie.social

In the linked video,
Russian propagandist Maksim Yusin questions the official line from the Kremlin about their war in Ukraine.

He states, "Russian officials continue claiming that everything in Ukraine is going according to plan."

Then gives examples of Russian failures to achieve stated goals.

He ends with, "Is it time to acknowledge that not all is, and correct ... the official rhetoric?"

#russia #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #putinlies #UkraineWillWin

Last updated 2 years ago

MS noma · @nomab
10 followers · 274 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

Danke! Wie man hier sieht, handelt Deutschland nur schnell, wenn es um die eigenen Interessen geht, Scholzens Lieblingsthema Gas.

Ursache der Gasknappheit ist Russlands terroristischer Überfall auf die Ukraine. Bei der Unterstützung des Opfers handelt Deutschland im Vergleich zu den baltischen Staaten (welche bei weitem nicht unsere Wirtschaftskraft haben!) alles andere als schnell, eher phlegmatisch und lustlos.

Jetzt immer noch die Idee, mit dem Verbrecher, Lügner, Betrüger, Erpresser und Mörder Putin zu verhandeln. Also ob der sich an irgend etwas halten würde! Merkt die Bundesregierung eigentlich nicht, dass Putin und seine Diener in ihrer eigenen erlogenen Welt leben, oder lebt die SPD-Regierung, zusammen mit Genossen Schr*** und Genossin Schl*** gemeinsam mit Putin und seinen Bücklingen in ebendieser?

Dieses Eigenlob stinkt, nichts zu äußern wäre noch besser. Wäre die Bundesregierung schnell, hätte sie es geschafft wenigstens die ausgemusterten Leopard 1 und 2 richten zu lassen. Hätte sie das in Auftrag gegeben, nachdem ersichtlich war, dass Russland die Ukraine nicht einfach überrennen kann, wären die jetzt, oder in den nächsten Wochen, fertig. Zusammen 110 Stück. So stehen die weiter herum, werden dadurch auch nicht wieder modern. Und es wird immer noch überlegt, ob man die richten lassen könnte, oder aufbewahren für irgend einen späteren Krieg irgendwann.

Merkt die Bundesregierung eigentlich nicht, wie peinlich sie ist? Wegen dieser Bundesregierung muss ich mich meiner Staatsangehörigkeit schämen. Danke.

#SupportUkraine #rustungshilfeukraine #russiaisaterrorstate #putinlugt #putinlies #wakeupscholz

Last updated 2 years ago

MS noma · @nomab
9 followers · 256 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de
ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
917 followers · 1599 posts · Server newsie.social

"There was no truce in Bakhmut on Friday. Russian artillery shells kept streaking overhead and thudding into Ukrainian-held territory through the afternoon and evening, just as they had for months, despite a supposed 36-hour cease-fire declared by Russia.

There were scattered reports of attacks elsewhere in Ukraine, but the clearest contradiction of the promised lull in the fighting was in Bakhmut"

#russia #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #putin #putinlies #ceasefire

Last updated 2 years ago

Conny Mueller · @CorneliaMuell16
59 followers · 252 posts · Server muenchen.social
Rykcki · @rykcki
0 followers · 6 posts · Server masto.ai
dmdickerson · @dmdickerson
10 followers · 430 posts · Server hostux.social

This image is a scaled-down copy of the original one from the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Although it is meant primarily for journalists and reporters, it is of use to anyone sharing information about Russia's war on Ukraine.

Because everyone with the resources, technology, tools, and free access to the Web and/or other Internet protocols has the ability to share information/news.

Thank you, in advance.



#StandWithUkraine #putinlies

Last updated 2 years ago