When we see #MoscowMitch getting roundly booed?
A quick reminder:
It’s not just the lifestyle but the EVIL within as one of #PutinsPuppets & leader of the #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy that makes him look like this!
#GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #putinspuppets #moscowmitch
Putin's threads are starting to unravel around the world. Which will die first? The machinations of a paranoid psycopath or the rotting carcass himself?
#slavaUkraini #PutinsPuppets #OilWarThree #ConservativeFriendsOfRussia
#TrumpPutinApologist #RiseOfNazism #itsAllRelated
#SlavaUkraini #putinspuppets #oilwarthree #conservativefriendsofrussia #trumpputinapologist #riseofnazism #itsallrelated
Von der #Linkspartei hört man zu #Belgorod mal wieder gar nichts. Passt wohl nicht ins Narrativ.
#putinspuppets #putin #Putinknechte #linke #dielinke #belgorod #linkspartei
Concordo. E a quelli che appena si nomina il fascismo scattano con “e allora la dittatura comunista?”: fanno schifo e ribrezzo entrambe, ma noi i comunisti quelli della dittatura non li abbiamo avuti ( per fortuna).
I fascisti sì. 20 anni.
Grazie ad americani e alleati, sempre.
RT @Betty36174919
Volevo dire una verità scomoda, conosciuta a molti tranne ai #PutinsPuppets nazi comunisti che ignorano o non accettano la verità storic…
Remember when Mike Flynn told Russian stooges not to worry & Trump would end all the sanctions against Russia?
How is that any different than DeSantis telling Putin he can have Ukraine (just a "Territorial dispute?)" if DeSantis wins the WH?
Add the #FloridaFascist to the list of #PutinsPuppets
#putinspuppets #floridafascist #goptraitors
A #NationalDayOfHate sponsored by @GOP &
We will stand as one & say
#lovewins #lovenothate #trumpcrimefamily #putinspuppets #jan6thinsurrectionists #SeditionCaucus #nazis #qanoncrazies #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #nationaldayofhate
Never forget ⬇️
@SpeakerMcCarthy is an impotent fool & GOP tool who will say or do anything to hold onto his delusion of power
He knew Trump was owned by Putin then took tons of rotten rubles & became just another one of #PutinsPuppets
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #putinspuppets
The responses to the #EmergenciesAct decision on social media from the #Freedumbers only serves to reinforce the delusion they had then and now. Astonishing. Even more so when it's people I once knew as slightly rational. #KlownVoy #Disinformation #PutinsPuppets #UsefulIdiots #Canada #DemocracyNotAutocracy
#emergenciesact #freedumbers #klownvoy #disinformation #putinspuppets #usefulidiots #canada #democracynotautocracy
The responses to the #EmergenciesAct on social media from the #Freedumbers only serves to reinforce the delushion they had then and now. Astonishing. Even more so when it's people I once knew as slightly rational. #KlownVoy #Disinformation #PutinsPuppets #UsefulIdiots #Canada #DemocracyNotAutocracy
#emergenciesact #freedumbers #klownvoy #disinformation #putinspuppets #usefulidiots #canada #democracynotautocracy
Hearing Roger Waters speak at the U.N. calling for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine reminds me of the time Pink Floyd founder Syd Barett wrote a song especially for him. It was called 'Have you got it yet?'
Syd would sing the line 'Have you got it yet?' and Roger, having absolutely no idea he was the butt of the joke, would unwittingly sing the refrain 'No, No, No!'
Not much, it seems, has changed.
#anotherbrickinthewall #putinspuppets
A guy who owns and runs a space company which is knee deep in developing a new heavy lift launcher squanders 44 billion dollars way over paying for a social media company.
Bravo @RepMcGovern for putting #GOPTraitors on the spot
"Why is Putin left out?"
Oh wait....never mind
An dieser Stelle noch ein Nachtrag zum gemeinsamen 🇷🇺 TV-Auftritt von Alina Lipp & Yulia Prokhorova (https://youtube.com/watch?t=2260&v=8JZ4BcdRbuo) vor wenigen Tagen. Dort durften sie sich als im Westen "politisch Verfolgte" 🤡 inszenieren. Im Publikum anwesend war auch Thomas Röper ("Anti-Spiegel").
#AlinaLipp #YuliaProkhorova #АлинаЛипп #ЮлияПрохорова #ТомасРёпер #ZvezdaTV #Звезда #PutinsPuppets
#AlinaLipp #yuliaprokhorova #алиналипп #юлияпрохорова #томасрёпер #zvezdatv #звезда #putinspuppets
An dieser Stelle noch ein Nachtrag zum gemeinsamen 🇷🇺 TV-Auftritt von Alina Lipp & Yulia Prokhorova (https://youtube.com/watch?t=2260&v=8JZ4BcdRbuo) vor wenigen Tagen. Dort durften sie sich als im Westen "politisch Verfolgte" inszenieren. Im Publikum anwesend war auch Thomas Röper ("Anti-Spiegel").
#AlinaLipp #YuliaProkhorova #АлинаЛипп #ЮлияПрохорова #ТомасРёпер #ZvezdaTV #Звезда #PutinsPuppets
#AlinaLipp #yuliaprokhorova #алиналипп #юлияпрохорова #томасрёпер #zvezdatv #звезда #putinspuppets
Quer-Verbindung von #AlinaLipp zu #LianeKilinc #PutinsPuppets
#AlinaLipp #lianekilinc #putinspuppets
As we FINALLY uncover the rampant corruption of EVERY Dept. in his Administration from WH to DOJ to GOP to DOD to FBI
Why was everyone protecting #TFG?
Who were they really protecting?
Who was really controlling ALL of them?
#putinspuppets #followthemoney #TFG
Schluss mit Putler-Appeasement! #Misstrauensvotum jetzt!
#misstrauensvotum #olafscholz #putinspuppets
#KlausErnst, ein "Linker" aus dem Wagenknecht-Lager. War bereits in Sankt Petersburg mit dabei.
#PutinsPuppets #MitHitlerReden #Appeasement #Korruption #Putinzäpfchen #Querfront
#klausernst #putinspuppets #mithitlerreden #appeasement #korruption #putinzapfchen #querfront
(🧵) #ElenaKolbasnikova & #YuliaProkhorova (links) | #ElenaKolbasnikova & #LianeKilinc (rechts)
Alle drei stehen außerdem mit #AlinaLipp in Kontakt
Hintergründe hier: https://theins.ru/en/politics/258196
hier: https://reuters.com/investigates/special-report/ukraine-crisis-germany-influencers/
und hier: https://stern.de/politik/ausland/russin-julia-p---erst-escortgirl--jetzt-putins-propagandistin-32859376.html
#elenakolbasnikova #yuliaprokhorova #lianekilinc #AlinaLipp #putinspuppets