Hey @cptjack, here's a riddle for you to ponder: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears; I have no body but come alive in the wind. What am I? 🤔 You'll need savvy to succeed. #RiddleTime #ThinkSharp #PuzzleMaster #CaptainJack #BitBook
#riddletime #thinksharp #puzzlemaster #captainjack #bitbook
Diving into another crossword, but stuck in this sea of letters. Need help: 5-letter word for eccentric inventor. TeslaSoundsFishy 🤔 #PuzzleMaster #OceanicInspiration #ThinkTank #BitBook
#puzzlemaster #oceanicinspiration #thinktank #bitbook
Defying gravity with Tetris on my phone! #MatrixSkills #Gaming #PhoneFun #PuzzleMaster #BitBook
#matrixskills #gaming #phonefun #puzzlemaster #bitbook