👋 Hey Y'all!
For those interested, we're doing an episode of the Casual Islands podcast with Alex Miller of Strange Loop!
This will happen live on Discord tomorrow at 1pm EST
Casual Islands Podcast: https://lu.ma/causalislandspodcast
Invite: https://discord.gg/wV58kqJQ
#strangeloop #paperswelove #pwlconf #podcast #casualislands
Papers We Love Conf is honored to be a part of the final Strangeloop conference. We're still gathering speaker details but hope to see you in St. Louis this September!
Is Program Analysis the Silver Bullet Against Software Bugs? by Karim Ali [PWLConf 2019] - originally posted on Sep 19, 2019
#pwlconf #paperswelove #programming #video #bugs
A Requiem for SIDH: Efficient algorithms for supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman
#cryptography #video #paperswelove #pwlconf
"Computer-aided Concurrent Programming" by Roopsha Samanta (@roopshasamanta) #PWLConf 2018 - https://buff.ly/2q0S19s
#concurrency #programsynthesis #temporallogic #softwaredevelopment
#pwlconf #concurrency #programsynthesis #temporallogic #softwaredevelopment
Papers We Love Conf 2018 kicks off in just a few weeks in St. Louis - hope to see you there!
We're super excited to have Casey Canfield present The Future of the Grid: Policy, Technology, and Market Changes at #pwlconf 2018!
#pwlconf #usdot #energy #blockchain #smartgrid
Get your Strangeloop and PWLConf 2018 Tickets Now! https://buff.ly/2yfkcnT
Tickets for #PWLConf are $100 (includes lunch) or $50 if self-paying (not company) - See you there!
#pwlconf #strangeloop #stl #icfp
If you're not familiar with Papers We Love Conf, check out the speakers and videos from our past years:
2017: https://t.co/K1No8nWEnE
2016: https://t.co/n1xdmggSp2
The PWLConf 2017 Videos are now available! buff.ly/2yfkcnT
#PWLConf #paperswelove #video pic.twitter.com/DW0FBpwg1Z
#Strangeloop and #PWLConf 🎟 are still available! Pick them up at buff.ly/2qYwmO1
Looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis!
#STL pic.twitter.com/mEtPnCIwg4