I was watching a Youtube video and the solution is to just cut the connector off the screen hat.
Good thing I hadn't started taking it apart and trying to re-solder it.
#raspberrypi #soldering #pwnagotchi
This thing is CUTE AF ☺️🩷
Good education project for better understanding of #mesh, #wifi security, #AI, that messy-messy world of #FOSS, and extremely fun nature of #hacking culture (literally, one of the prompts when it's happy is "My crime is that of curiosity", which is a reference to hacking manifesto that's older than me!)
#Mesh #wifi #ai #foss #hacking #pwnagotchi #infosec #pwnage #socool
@lamp personally I thought about some device that would go #pwnagotchi on them and
1. try to autocinnect
2. check internet connectivity
3. scan the natwork
4. log and store the findings for each tested network into a seperate file
5. log all the scanned networks by BSSID & ESSID and don't rescan exact matches unless they weren't successful being connected to in the recent past.
But with the @Raspberry_Pi #PiShortages that's not gonna be feasible...
I did this first. Still pondering longer term projects..
#pwnagotchi #pi0w #raspberrypi
Trying to find something to do this Bank Holiday Monday, I deceided to give Pwnagotchi a try as I have a spare Pi Zero W and a Pimoroni Inkyfat.
After a false srart, I have a device up and running and scanning the wi-fi landscape around me!
#pwnagotchi #raspberrypi #wifi #pwn #pimoroni #bankholiday
Estas últimas tres semanas he participado en un programa de voluntariado para dar varias charlas a chavales de 4º de la ESO. Las dos primeras eran sobre temas más genéricos del sector en el que trabajo y un poco aburridas, pero la de hoy era sobre ciberseguridad y me he venido arriba.
Aparte de la charla estándar de concienciación he llevado muchos cacharros para hacer demos y han flipado. He llevado rubber duckies para hacer demos de cómo inyectar comandos a través de USB, he hecho demos con la Flipper capturando y clonando diferentes protocolos, les he contado por encima seguridad WPA para luego enseñarles cómo un #pwnagotchi se hace con un handshake... Creo que me lo he pasado ya tan bien como ellos 😅
I've been pwning for 10 minutes, 14 seconds and kicked 14 clients! I've also met 7 new friends and ate 5 handshakes! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
#pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
I've been pwning for 1 hour, 34 minutes, 53 seconds and kicked 12 clients! I've also met 5 new friends and ate 5 handshakes! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
#pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
I've been pwning for 8 hours, 5 minutes, 26 seconds and kicked 13 clients! I've also met 7 new friends and ate 2 handshakes! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
#pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
I've been pwning for 43 minutes, 3 seconds and kicked 8 clients! I've also met 3 new friends and ate 1 handshakes! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
#pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
Ich war 58 Minuten, 31 Sekunden am Pwnen und habe 68 Clients gekickt! Außerdem habe ich 177 neue Freunde getroffen und 1 Handshakes gefressen! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
#pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
Ich war 32 Minuten, 38 Sekunden am Pwnen und habe 7 Clients gekickt! Außerdem habe ich 4 neue Freunde getroffen und 1 Handshakes gefressen! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
#pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet
Live-Thread de la réparation de mon pwnagotchi !
Live-Thread of the repair of my pwnagotchi!
#pwnagotchi #linux #hack #hacking
Making a #pwnagotchi case that is a little more universal for the pisugar and the 2.13 e-Paper HAT.
Making a #pwnagotchi case that a little more universal for the pisugar and the 2.13 e-Paper HAT
Nach verzögerter Lieferung mein #Weihnachtsgeschenk bekommen...
Nach sieben weiteren Stunden ganz viel Probieren und diverse Images Flaschen...
Nach dem ich einen anderen #raspberrypi mit kleinerem E-Ink-Display zum laufen gebracht habe...
Mein #pwnagotchi lebt. :mastocelebration:
Und er hat schon einen kleinen Freund :mastohandshake:
#pwnagotchi #raspberrypi #weihnachtsgeschenk
@idanoo awesom. lol. rpi are in demand and are ridic expensive now.
I got my elementary aged kids a pi zero and installed #pwnagotchi
they goto the park and ramble about hashes and wifi and the other kids have no clue what they're talking about lol
Besides #FlipperZero and the #OpenSource #pwnagotchi, what other cool #sbc hacking projects are out there? Asking for a friend.
#flipperzero #opensource #pwnagotchi #sbc
Thinking about #emergantBehavior in digital systems and I really want a dynamic, probably abstracted #digitalpet that follows some simple rules to make complex behavior. Something I could run on a #pwnagotchi like setup would be awesome, even allowing Bluetooth connections for additional input/output
#Tamagotchi #GameOfLife #RpiZero #pizero
#pizero #rpizero #gameoflife #tamagotchi #pwnagotchi #digitalpet #emergantbehavior