Hullo! It's me @munmap and you may remember me from such pretentious competitions as Mobile #Pwn2Own 2016, 2017, and 2018, as well as Desktop Pwn2Own 2018.
I even got a #Pwnie once for taking the piss with Samsung and chaining 12 second-rate bugs into a one-click APK install on their Galaxy S8. We may have also crossed paths at #SyScan, #Kiwicon, #Infiltrate, #ZeroNights, #ekoparty, #CanSecWest, etc.
I've been hacking (trying?) for over 10 years and I've been fascinated with #fuzzing, VR tooling, and general bug hunting for as long as I can remember.
I recently left (yet another) defence contractor and now I work for a small, tight-knit UK-based company called Interrupt Labs. We focus on VR and XD for a broad range of targets such as browsers, mobile platforms, embedded, automotive, and everything in between. :-)
#pwn2own #pwnie #syscan #kiwicon #infiltrate #zeronights #ekoparty #cansecwest #fuzzing