@pyconee23 Interesting initiative by David Mertz to define an attribution description framework to "create a mechanism to describe both the origin and permitted uses of particular content within training corpora of machine learning models". Barebones repository at https://github.com/davidmertz/attribution-description-framework
#PyConEstonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
#pyconestonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
@pyconee23 Next is @Unit03: What's the hassle with the GIL?
#PyConEstonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
#pyconestonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
Now Aroma Rodrigues on stage, ready to destroy friendships that contain too much bullshit
#PyConEstonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
#pyconestonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
@pyconee23@a.gup.pe Snaaaaake... Snaaaaaaaaaake...!
#PyConEstonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconeesti #pyconestonia
#pyconestonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconestonia #pyconeesti
Made it to #PyConEstonia2023!
#pycon #python #pyconee #pyconestonia #pyconeesti @pyconee23@a.gup.pe
#pyconestonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconee #pyconestonia #pyconeesti
Excited to be speaking at #PyConEstonia2023 about @kedro next week! Check out the conference website for more information https://pycon.ee
#pycon #python #pyconestonia #pyconee
(By the way, I've just created a group @pyconee23 that boosts all posts it's tagged in 🤖)
#pyconestonia2023 #pycon #python #pyconestonia #pyconee
We are happy to announce our final keynote speaker for #PyCon #Sweden 2023 @pyconsweden@fosstodon.or , @willingc .
Carol Willing is a three-time Python Steering Council member, a Python Core Developer, PSF Fellow, and a Project Jupyter core contributor. In 2019, she was awarded the Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python. As part of the Jupyter core team, Carol was awarded the 2017 ACM Software System Award for Project Jupyter's lasting influence. She's also a leader in open science and open-source governance serving on Quansight Labs Advisory Board and the CZI Open Science Advisory Board. She's driven to make open science accessible through open tools and learning materials.She recently served as Noteable's VP of Engineering,
You can register for the conference and meet her and other amazing speakers and community members in the event. 9-10th November 2023, #Stockholm. #Python #OpenSource #Community
Register at https://pycon.se
#pycon #sweden #stockholm #python #opensource #community
We've build a great program for #PyConCZ23 for y'all—grab your tickets and enjoy the conference with us! https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/ #python #prague #conference #pycon
#pyconcz23 #python #prague #conference #pycon
Anyone have a date/location yet for #pycascades 2024? I'm sitting near our scientific programming / data viz folks and am trying to entice some of them into going. #python #pycon
My personal highly-nuanced take on international #Python conferences:
I want there to be a #PyCon in every country, as welcoming as possible within local law, so that people can learn and network without leaving their country. International attendees and speakers are _guests_ of the host country, and attend (or opt to not) subject to local customs.
International events are about bringing community together from many countries, and should be in a place that's maximally welcoming for the region.
PyCon Italia has published the video recordings of its 2023 talks 🇮🇹🐍
You can find the video of my Italian talk on my blog, where you can also find the link to the YouTube channel where you can see the videos of all the other talk recordings 👇
#PyConIT #PyCon #Python #Django #Maps #Talk
CC @pycon
#PyConIT #pycon #python #django #maps #talk
Signed up for #PyCon #Taiwan, and this is a return after 10 years. Except this time only as audience, while back then I had a talk as well. Either way, I'm looking forward to it, and it's nice that my company covers the registration :) #PyConTW2023
@yossarian @openssf @trailofbits @pypi I am wondering if you can submit and then give a talk on this in #PyCon #Sweden in November? The event is on 9-10th November, in #Stockholm.
@pyladies_bot @cheukting_ho thanks so much! That’s an excellent post full with tips and tricks on how to get ready for public speaking and conference presentations 🙌
#publicspeaking #presentation #conferences #tipsandtricks #technologicalconferences #pycon #positconf2023
#positconf2023 #pycon #technologicalconferences #tipsandtricks #conferences #presentation #publicspeaking
Did you submit your #Python talk in @pyconsweden yet? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebISd6uvGN6QB9MMdfib6UpHyleNcvXOvyZf9Jfkt0YrTtuA/viewform #CFP is open. This is your chance to present your work in front of the #community in #Scandinavia
We are only active #PyCon in this region. The conference is on 9-10th November 2023 in #Stockholm.
Please share for wider reach.
#python #cfp #community #scandinavia #pycon #stockholm
If you liked my #PyCon keynote (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5QaOADqSyY&t=177s), Adam Silkey did a great lightning talk on similar ideas: Zen of Python, but for People: https://youtu.be/ziF44HeJatA?t=1197
Call for Speakers for Pycon Ireland 2023 is open on Sessionize and I've just submitted a session!
It loooks like I’m headed to Portugal in September for PyCon Portugal! #pycon
Create big magic with #sqlite and #datasette. @simon takes you on a very inspiring tour through many of the features in datasette. #pycon #python
#sqlite #datasette #pycon #python