RT @chrisjrn
For those interested in keeping up with Sha's journey, here's some excellent news. #pycon2019 #nbpy https://twitter.com/ShaStepter/status/1287084126349037569
RT @ThePSF@twitter.activitypub.actor
.#pycon2019 Keynote by @freakboy3742@twitter.com - https://pyvideo.org/pycon-us-2019/russell-keith-magee-keynote-pycon-2019.html
RT @chrisjrn@twitter.com
The fundraiser for @ShaStepter@twitter.com's documentary, "Growing Up Behind Bars" is more than $2000 funded. Would be great if the @northbaypython@twitter.com and @pycon@twitter.com communities could bump it past $3000! #nbpy #pycon2019
RT @pyconthailand@twitter.com
Thank you everyone and see you next year!
#pyconth2019 #pyconth #pycon #pycon2019 @glasnt@twitter.com @freakboy3742@twitter.com @kantrn@twitter.com @PyConJ@twitter.com @cournape@twitter.com
#pyconth2019 #pyconth #pycon #pycon2019
Python friends, please take a moment to read this excellent piece by @ceejbot@twitter.com:
The piece touches on so many of the themes that @freakboy3742@twitter.com and others said at #pycon2019 this year.
RT @amcasari@twitter.com
There are only 2.9 FTE devs paid to work on #Python Core.
Victor Skinner @RedHat@twitter.com #PyCon2019
Congrats to all my friends @github@twitter.com for the launch today! https://github.com/sponsors
Super timely with discussion like those from @freakboy3742@twitter.com’s #PyCon2019 keynote about finding open source.
I’m excited to see how much funding the software we all rely on gets as a result of this.
This really was one of the highlight of my #PyCon2019. Thanks to @judy2k@twitter.com, @dgouldin@twitter.com, @ghickman@twitter.com, @bitprophet@twitter.com, @hynek@twitter.com, and @illenseer@twitter.com for a phenomenal afternoon.
RT @jessejiryudavis@twitter.com
I've begun posting my summaries of Python Language Summit talks. First up, Russell Keith-Magee (@freakboy3742): "Python On Other Platforms" https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/05/russell-keith-magee-python-on-other.html #pycon2019
RT @jessejiryudavis@twitter.com
I've begun posting my summaries of Python Language Summit talks. First up, Russell Keith-Magee (@freakboy3742@twitter.com): "Python On Other Platforms" https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/05/russell-keith-magee-python-on-other.html #pycon2019
RT @ewa_jodlowska@twitter.com
This year, @jessejiryudavis@twitter.com is working on the write ups from the Python Language Summit @ #pycon2019. Check out the overview post! Jesse will add links to the overview post as he finishes the individual articles.
Thank you for taking the time to write these, Jesse! https://twitter.com/ThePSF/status/1128722087143780352
"A New Era in #Python #Governance", by Shauna Gordon-McKeon: explains the new steering-council model that Python will be
following, and the selection process that was used to settle on that model.
#video #pycon2019 #governance #Python
RT @pycon@twitter.com
We are devastated to confirm that the recordings of Sha and Jessica’s keynotes from Saturday morning at #PyCon2019 are not recoverable.
Plans are in flight to determine how to best rectify the mistake so that their important words can be shared.
RT @treyhunner@twitter.com
Sha Wallace-Stepter & @jessicamckellar@twitter.com's keynotes from @pycon@twitter.com aren't online, but Jessica compiled 2 Twitter threads on the topic of their keynotes.
This is thread 2.
Jessica's keynote and her 3 important CTAs for #pycon2019 attendees.
See my previous tweet for Sha's story. https://twitter.com/jessicamckellar/status/1127640196256677890
RT @treyhunner@twitter.com
Unfortunately Sha Wallace-Stepter and @jessicamckellar@twitter.com's @pycon@twitter.com keynotes aren't online, but Jessica has compiled two Twitter threads to share their messages.
This is thread 1.
Sha shared his story with #pycon2019 attendees. 💓
See my next tweet for thread 2 (Jessica's keynote). https://twitter.com/jessicamckellar/status/1127639822640660482
Continuing my "Philip beats #PyCon2019 con crud with videos" series, watching the talk from @DrMattyG@twitter.com (I think that's his twitter) about fighting climate change with Python. 😳
Continuing my "beating #PyCon2019 Con Crud" through videos this morning, let's watch @terriko@twitter.com's talk about Python Security
And I'm finishing my "Phildini beats #PyCon2019 con crud" with @simonw@twitter.com's talk about datassette! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTr1uLQTJNE
I'm continuing my "Phildini beats #PyCon2019 con crud by watching videos" (boy I need a better hashtag) with @roguelynn@twitter.com's Asyncio talk
Recovering from my #PyCon2019 con crud by watching videos… starting with @theavalkyrie@twitter.com’s talk on automation!