Josh Simmons · @josh
2347 followers · 854 posts · Server

As a reminder, many event organizers ARE addressing COVID risk, and can see how health and safety is an extension of Codes of Conduct and inclusion initiatives.

, , , , , , , , , , , and are just a few examples.

It can be done, at events small and large.

Let's celebrate their work to make events safer and more inclusive by giving them some love and participating! 👏🏻

#openinfrasummit #pyconus #fossy #rubyconfus #monktoberfest #pyconau #kiwipycon #nbpy #pyconit #pycascades #devworld #xworld #PHPledge

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Simmons · @josh
2249 followers · 429 posts · Server

Community leaders in Python continue to set the bar for the rest of the tech industry in so many respects 🏆

I salute and thank the organizers of and for taking the @phpledge and committing to safer and more inclusive events 😷

I hear is also going to be exemplary. I also like what I see of and , and we'll be stepping it up for as well. These events prove that it's possible to convene in reasonable safety at many different scales.

#pyconau #kiwipycon #pyconus #pyconit #pycascades #nbpy #PHPledge

Last updated 2 years ago