Cheat sheet with various regional Python conferences you can go to (note that there are more than what's listed here) so you can complete 20 points

#pyconuschallenge #pyconus

Last updated 2 years ago

And I got new !! You have from now until the next to complete. I will check on you when we return to Pittsburgh!
Reward will be bigger too! (already thinking the possibility of custom badges/pins/stickers/stamp etc.)
See you next year!

#pyconuschallenge #pyconus

Last updated 2 years ago

There's still time to complete more

What's your score?

I just tallied up my points, and I got 31 😎

#pyconuschallenge #pyconus

Last updated 2 years ago

Amethyst πŸ’œ · @amethyst
54 followers · 98 posts · Server

Getting ready to say an early goodbye to @pycon 2023, but it’s been a busy few days!

- Caught up with old friends and former coworkers ✌️
- Attended the language summit, and gave a lightning talk! πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»
- Attended the typing summit, and asked the steering council what it would take to get more type annotations into the stdlib πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ
- Wrote a PEP based on my lightning talk! πŸŽ‰
- Acquired the latest PyLadies t-shirt for a modest donation πŸ‘š
- Met new friends πŸ‘‹
- Ate strawberry pancakes πŸ“πŸ₯ž
- Got help with the C-API to implement my PEP πŸ™
- Renewed my supporting PSF membership 🐍

I think I managed 20 points on the @mariatta PyCon Challenge! πŸ“ˆ

Thanks to everyone that helped make this a great Pycon. Can’t wait to see you all in Pittsburgh (or @northbaypython or @pycascades)!

#pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

@hugovk @PyConUS I merge other people's PR, do you think that counts as "have a PR merged"? πŸ€”πŸ˜… I didn't really think it through.

#pyconuschallenge #pyconus

Last updated 2 years ago

Good morning @PyConUS

- Tutorials
- Sponsor workshops
- Summits: Typing, Education, Web Assembly
- Newcomer's orientation
- Opening reception
- is still on! Anyone wanna report their score so far?
(Details at

#pyconuschallenge #pyconus

Last updated 2 years ago

@PyConUS First language summit topic and already looks like we're gonna get a new PEP by Antonio Cuni

#pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Good morning @PyConUS.

- registration starts at 7 AM
- Language Summit & Tutorials
- lunch and coffee breaks will be served
- begins!!! Details at (many of these you can do as a virtual attendee)

P.S: I have stickers, ask about it if you see me πŸ‘‹

#pyconuschallenge #pyconus #typooftheday

Last updated 2 years ago

Some clarifications:

Becoming a PSF member is free! (

There are 3 ways to be a voting PSF member:
- self-certify as a contributing / managing member
- become a PSF fellow
- become a supporting member (

#pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

(continued) Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have done during PyCon US

- learned something new from a lightning talk
- write a thank you note to someone at the conference
- you see a typo in presentation slide
- do an

⭐️Bonus: 5 points each⭐️

- propose a new PEP
- have a PR merged
- got someone else to volunteer at PyCon US
- agree to speak at a local meetup
- become a new voting member of PSF

Let's go!

#icecreamselfie #pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

(continued) Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have done during PyCon US

- you see f-string with uppercased F in presentation slide
- introduced yourself to a first time attendee
- tell someone that you follow them on social media
- high five a conference staff/volunteer
submit a PR to fix a typo
- your social media post contains typo and hashtag
- become a new PSF member

#pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

The challenge in text form:

Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have done during PyCon US

- you see features from Python 3.11+ in presentation slide
- submit a PR to an open source Python project
- take a selfie at the PSF booth
- say thanks to an open source maintainer
- give a lightning talk
- wear a swag from sponsor
- contemplate the Zen of Python in the quiet room
- volunteer at the conference
- host / attend an open space

#pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Are you all ready for PyCon US, cause I have a fun challenge for you!!!

Challenge begins this Wednesday, April 19, 2023.
Share your score daily using and hashtag

Your reward: bragging rights that you did some really interesting activities during PyCon US 😎πŸ₯‡πŸ†

#pyconus #pyconuschallenge

Last updated 2 years ago