YPJ Information · @YPJ_Info
739 followers · 118 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Asya Ebdullah, on elections:

📱 "A victory for the Green Left Party in the Turkish elections would have a positive inpact on the crisis in ."

🔾 Turkey is one of the main factors inciting chaos in Syria
🔾AKP-MHP could use attacks as pre-electory propaganda

#pyd #turkey #syria

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
646 followers · 1062 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History January 27, 2014: The Kobani Canton declared its autonomy from the Syrian Arab Republic during the Rojava conflict. Supporters claim they have implemented a form of libertarian socialism, influenced by American anarchist Murray Bookchin, with decentralization, gender equality and local governance through direct democracy. They have created worker cooperatives and govern the cantons through district councils, each with one male and one female co-president. The councils have gender quotas requiring at least 40% female participation. They have banned child marriages and honor killings. They are attempting to replace punitive justice with a system of restorative justice. And women play a prominent role on the battlefield, as well as within the political system. Yet private property remains a part of their system, which is inconsistent with Bookchinian anarchism. And according to Andrea Glioti, remnants of the PKK’s Stalinist past remain in Rojava. He cites the ubiquitous portraits of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, often accompanied by the slogan “There’s no life without a leader.”

#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilwar #Rojava #pyd #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #socialism #feminism #stalinism #Ocalan #pkk #kurdish #kurdistan #equality #cooperatives #restorativejustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Svensson · @Anders_S
44 followers · 159 posts · Server mastodon.nu

Stoppa NATO-kryperiet för Erdogan
Den arabiska vĂ„ren – med sin kulmen under 2011 – störtade flera auktoritĂ€ra regimer och gav förhoppningar om att mer jĂ€mlika och demokratiska samhĂ€llen skulle ta form i Nordafrika och Mellanöstern. Idag har dock allt det grusats – förutom undantaget Rojava

#rojava #pyd #pkk #kurdistan #erdogan #abdullahocalan #Turkiet #syrien #regeringen #Diktatur #demokrati

Last updated 2 years ago

Together We Rise · @lboe
74 followers · 140 posts · Server mastodon.art

In 2014, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) officially announced its regional autonomy after months of de facto rule, subsequently holding elections, forming popular assemblies, and approving the constitution of . The not only kept ISIL at bay but has also increase women’s and minority autonomy.
Today's artwork can be found here: behance.net/gallery/85269067/M

#jan9 #toweri #directdemocracy #libertariansocialism #syria #kurds #history #pyd #rojava #kurdish #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

GMI · @gmi
13 followers · 251 posts · Server framapiaf.org

À bas l’agression militaire turque contre les Kurdes !
(Turc / TĂŒrk)

Le 19 novembre, Erdogan a lancĂ© son aviation pour bombarder plusieurs rĂ©gions kurdes au nord de la Syrie, dans les provinces d’Alep et d’HassakĂ©, notamment contre la ville de KobanĂ© qui fut le symbole de la rĂ©sistance victorieuse des Kurdes contre la barbarie de l’E

#ypg #turquie #syrie #pyd #pkk #kurdistan #kurde #erdogan

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Dunk · @unklar
74 followers · 161 posts · Server mastodon.education
Lauri Uusitalo · @uusilauri
367 followers · 120 posts · Server mastodontti.fi

Poliisi on kieltÀnyt kurdijÀrjestöjen liput Helsinki ilman natseja -mielenosoituksessa. KÀsky kuulemma tullut ylempÀÀ. VielÀ syksyllÀ ne oli sallittuja mielenosoituksissa, mutta nyt linja on muuttunut. Suomi on entistÀ pahemmin rÀhmÀllÀÀn Erdoganin diktatuurin edessÀ. TÀstÀ varoiteltiin Haaviston allekirjoitettua ns. yhteisymmÀrrysasiakirjan, mutta hyvin harva halusi kuunnella.

#turkeyisaterroriststate #pyd #ypj #ypg #pkk #nato #helsinkiilmannatseja

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Hogan æ”©ć‹€ · @TimInHonolulu
1313 followers · 701 posts · Server mstdn.social

Erdogan: The operation will not be limited to an air campaign!

RT @peyamakurd@twitter.com

Erdoğan: Operasyon bir hava harekatıyla sınırlı kalmayacak!


🐩🔗: twitter.com/peyamakurd/status/

#Syria #suriye #rojava #dsg #pyd #YPG #pkk #kobani #erdogan

Last updated 2 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1246 followers · 20326 posts · Server todon.nl

Important thread on Muskter from @fgeerdink about the explosions on . , (incl ), , and all denounced this. Even is very unlikely.

In any case, it is a blessing for , so he can oppress the domestic and even more, and having a carte blanche to continue his illegal war in Northern / .


cc @b9AcE

#terrorism #turkey #Rojava #syria #syrians #kurds #erdogan #tak #pyd #AANES #pkk #ypj #ypg #sdf #istanbul

Last updated 2 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1346 followers · 19797 posts · Server todon.nl

Important thread on :birdsite: from @fgeerdink about the explosions on . , (incl ), , and all denounced this. Even is very unlikely.

In any case, it is a blessing for , so he can oppress the domestic and even more, and having a carte blanche to continue his illegal war in Northern / .


cc @b9AcE

#terrorism #turkey #Rojava #syria #syrians #kurds #erdogan #tak #pyd #AANES #pkk #ypj #ypg #sdf #istanbul

Last updated 2 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1346 followers · 19797 posts · Server todon.nl

Important thread on :birdsite: from @fgeerdink about the explosions on . , (incl ), , and all denounced this. Even is very unlikely.

In any case, it is a blessing for , so he can oppress the domestic and even more, and having a carte blanche to continue his illegal war in Northern / .


cc @b9AcE

#terrorism #turkey #Rojava #syria #syrians #kurds #erdogan #tak #pyd #AANES #pkk #ypj #ypg #sdf #istanbul

Last updated 2 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1346 followers · 19797 posts · Server todon.nl

Important thread on :birdsite: from @fgeerdink about the explosions on . , (incl ), , and all denounced this. Even is very unlikely.

In any case, it is a blessing for , so he can oppress the domestic and even more, and having a carte blanche to continue his illegal war in Northern / .


cc @b9AcE

#terrorism #turkey #Rojava #syria #syrians #kurds #erdogan #tak #pyd #AANES #pkk #ypj #ypg #sdf #istanbul

Last updated 2 years ago

· @rbromer
33 followers · 563 posts · Server troet.cafe

RT @YPJ_volunteers
is accusing the for the attack in , .

Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.

#StopTurkishWarCrimes #erdogan #istanbul #Istiklal #pyd #turkey

Last updated 2 years ago

AAA · @infolekiosk
155 followers · 309 posts · Server mamot.fr

RT @YPJ_volunteers
is accusing the for the attack in , .

Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.

#pyd #Istiklal #istanbul #erdogan #StopTurkishWarCrimes #turkey

Last updated 2 years ago

· @alexfoti
65 followers · 283 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

RT @YPJ_volunteers@twitter.com

is accusing the for the attack in , .

Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.

🐩🔗: twitter.com/YPJ_volunteers/sta

#stopturkishwarcrimes #erdogan #istanbul #Istiklal #pyd #turkey

Last updated 2 years ago

Tidningen Arbetaren · @tidningen_arbetaren
350 followers · 34 posts · Server mastodon.nu

Kurdiska PYD förnekar alla anklagelser om att de skulle ligga bakom söndagens terrordÄd i centrala Istanbul.
– Vi har ingenting med det hĂ€r att göra, sĂ€ger PYD-ledaren Salih Muslim i ett uttalande till Sveriges Radio samtidigt som han fördömer attacken som hittills dödat Ă„tta personer.

#pkk #pyd #Turkiet

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @YPJ_volunteers@twitter.com

is accusing the for the attack in , .

Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.

🐩🔗: twitter.com/YPJ_volunteers/sta

#turkey #pyd #Istiklal #istanbul #erdogan #StopTurkishWarCrimes

Last updated 2 years ago

Ardor · @Ardor
122 followers · 133 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Kehrtwende in der Kurdenpolitik. StĂŒck fĂŒr StĂŒck gibt man nach. |s neue Regierung opfert 3 Wochen nach Amtsantritt & , die kurdischen VerbĂŒndeten des Westens im Kampf gegen den .
@tazgezwitscher von Reinhard Wolff

#erdogan #schweden #ypg #pyd #is #tĂŒrkei #nato

Last updated 2 years ago

affeu · @affeu
731 followers · 1410 posts · Server det.social

3/x Die ist seit langem mit der und den im Kampf gegen die Terrororganisation in verbĂŒndet, und auch hat bisher sowohl die YPG als auch die unterstĂŒtzt. Die betrachtet die beiden kurdischen Organisationen als Terroristen.

#ypg #nato #usa #IS #syrien #schweden #pyd #tĂŒrkei

Last updated 2 years ago

affeu · @affeu
731 followers · 1410 posts · Server det.social

đŸ§” : Kurz vorm Treffen von MinisterprĂ€sident Ulf & dem tĂŒrkischen Diktator Recep wird bekannt: Schwedische Regierung wird kĂŒnftig die kurdische Miliz in und den politischen Ableger, , nicht mehr unterstĂŒtzt. 1/x

#schweden #tĂŒrkei #nato #eu #Kristersson #erdoğan #syrien #ypg #pyd

Last updated 2 years ago