✨ 1st release of #pydoctrace 🎉
Trace #Python code execution with a decorator to view the corresponding sequence diagram in #PlantUML syntax.
#DocTracing generates documentation from real-life code execution and illustrates how the codebase is executed and organized. It helps discussing architecture or teaching algorithms. #DocAsCode
- try it out: https://pypi.org/project/pydoctrace/
- give some feedback (issues and ⭐ are appreciated 🙏): https://github.com/lucsorel/pydoctrace
#DocAsCode #doctracing #plantuml #Python #pydoctrace
✨ 1st release of #pydoctrace 🎉
Trace #Python code execution with a decorator to view the corresponding sequence diagram in #PlantUML syntax.
#DocTracing generates documentation from real-life code execution and illustrate how the codebase is executed and organized. It helps discussing architecture or teaching algorithms. #DocAsCode
- try it out: https://pypi.org/project/pydoctrace/
- give some feedback (issues and ⭐ are appreciated 🙏): https://github.com/lucsorel/pydoctrace
#DocAsCode #doctracing #plantuml #Python #pydoctrace
✨ 1st release of #pydoctrace 🎉
Trace code execution with a decorator to view the corresponding sequence diagram in #PlantUML syntax.
Doc-tracing generates documentation from real-life code execution and illustrate how the codebase is executed and organized. It helps discussing architecture or teaching algorithms. #DocAsCode
- try it out: https://pypi.org/project/pydoctrace/
- give some feedback (issues and ⭐ are appreciated 🙏): https://github.com/lucsorel/pydoctrace
#DocAsCode #plantuml #pydoctrace