@Alianin there are more than just pygame, many options can be used for game dev on python, from pixelart oriented #arcade to #panda3D for 3d ones, and many options like #pyglet or #kivy can be used to build games as well, even if less directly game oriented.
Nothing wrong with pygame, but there are many options.
#kivy #pyglet #panda3d #arcade
For those who might be curious about the bug:
When you use an event loop in pyglet that isn't managed by the programs own app.run(), the dispatch_events() function on a window hangs if there is more than 1 window opened.
I got around this by running the window's functions once before they are normally run every frame by my programs update function.
Someone else posted that you also have to make the window visible, but I found I didn't have to.
A hack, but it works.
#Python #Frameworks #Libraries #numpy #tensorflow #theano #pandas #pytorch #keras #matplotlib #scipy #seaborn #django #flask #bottle #cherrypy #pyramid #web2py #turboGears #cubic #dash #falcon #pyunit #behave #splinter #robot #pytest #opencv #mahotas #pgmagick #simpletk $scikit #arcade #pyglet #pyopengl #pygame #panda3d #lxml #requests #selenium #scrapy #code #developing #programming #coding
#python #frameworks #libraries #numpy #tensorflow #Theano #pandas #pytorch #keras #matplotlib #scipy #seaborn #django #flask #bottle #cherrypy #pyramid #web2py #turbogears #cubic #dash #falcon #pyunit #behave #splinter #robot #pytest #opencv #mahotas #pgmagick #simpletk #arcade #pyglet #pyopengl #pygame #panda3d #lxml #requests #selenium #scrapy #code #developing #programming #coding
This is old news, but #pyglet finally has a (basic) website again: http://www.pyglet.org
Finally got the 1.4 release of #pyglet out. It's an important one since it's the last to support #Python 2 and legacy OpenGL.
The upcoming pyglet 2.0 is a full core rewrite to GL3+, and is already mostly done. Looking forward to focusing on that now..
Working hard on #pyglet 2.0, which features a core rewrite to modern OpenGL. Still a lot of work to do, but it's shaping up.
It's been a long time coming, but I'm finishing up a proper 3D model module for #pyglet. This will release with two included codecs (actually just decoders to start): wavefront and glTF. I have to say, I really like #glTF as a whole. I don't agree with every design choice, but they all do make sense at least. I hope this continues to pick up steam.
A new bug fix release of #pyglet is out (v1. 3.2). This has some important fixes for exclusive mouse mode on Windows 10, and finally(!) fixes a long standing bug with indexed drawing on 64bit OSes.
#pyglet will finally have a proper module for 3D models in the near future. I'm currently writing a glTF loader to include with that, and I must say it's a fantastic format.
Thanks to a fellow contributor, #pyglet now supports FFmpeg for loading compressed audio and video. This is all very beta, but works well so far. It's available in the default branch on bitbucket. Announcement thread is here:
#pyglet 1.3.0 has been released recently. It's available to pip install, or you can clone the repo: https://bitbucket.org/pyglet/pyglet
This release is mainly focused on code quality and #Python 3. If you find any bugs, let us know. Or even better, submit some patches! I'm happy to assist with anyone wanting to get involved.