파이썬 pyqt5 기반 1fichier 다운로더 프로그램의 바이러스 오진 문제 해결.
기능 수정 이후 onefile 빌드로 변경했습니다.
그러나 엉뚱하게도 PyInstaller의 고질적인 바이러스 오진 문제가 발생하는데..
보통 직접 PyInstaller 소스를 다운 받아 bootloader를 다시 빌드해야한다는 글들이 주류였습니다.
그러나 실제로 윈도에서 시도하면 오히려 c 컴파일러 미설치로 인해 스트레스를 받기 쉽습니다.
이때 pyInstaller 소스를 깃허브에서 직접 다운로드 받아 bootloader 폴더에서 python ./waf distclean all 로 기존 빌드환경을 초기화 하면 별도 빌드 없이 쉽게 해결이 가능합니다.
다음은 pip install . 로 다운받은 소스 폴더 내에서 setup.py를 통해 직접 설치하고 빌드를 하게 되면 드디어 지긋지긋한 avast등의 백신의 트로잔 의심, 오진으로부터 벗어날 수 있습니다.
파이썬 프로그램을 윈도우용 exe로 빌드할 경우 바이러스 오탐이 발생합니다.
직접 부트로더 빌드를 위해 VS2022 커뮤니티를 설치하고 있습니다.
(C컴파일러만 깔고 싶은데 저 용량은 마소의 양심이 어디간건지..)
갯가재님이 알려주신 링크인
쪽에 설명이 잘 되어있네요~!
후기도 올려보겠습니다.
연합친구분들 저좀 도와주세요~!
Pyinstaller를 이용해 프록시 다운로더를 개조하고 있습니다.
문제는 윈도우 디펜더의 오탐으로 트로잔이 검색되어버리는 문제가 있어요!
혹시 해결방법을 알고 계실까요?
> which can be executed directly *by the Python interpreter*.
This is why tools like #pyinstaller exist.
@orsinium @apparebit
@pybonacci @computingnature I ran #PyInstaller on demo2.py to compare the output size to #Nuitka. On macOS, Nuitka's demo2.app is 383 MB, PyInstaller's is 687 MB. On Windows, Nuitka's demo2.exe is 140 MB, PyInstaller's is 267 MB. On Linux, Nuitka's demo2.bin is 185 MB, PyInstaller's is 493 MB. So Nuitka is uniformly better. Nevertheless, I would be interested to know what you do to reduce the size of PyInstaller output, especially if you think those tricks might work with Nuitka, too.
I also created a Sysmon config with the required sections that can be merged with a current config to record the specific event types
#sysmonforlinux #sigma #pyinstaller #python
Running a sample which is a pyInstaller compiled ELF. The Python code is multi OS (Linux & Windows). Will post more detail on it after I've some time to look at it properly. #SysmonforLinux #PyInstaller #malware
#sysmonforlinux #pyinstaller #malware
Playing around with packaging #PySide6 #Qt #Python apps for macOS and Windows executables this morning w/ #PyInstaller, and the excellent tutorials by @mfitzp are super helpful. Very clear, with downloadable sample projects for multiple platforms and versions of PySide/PyQt.
Awesome work, Martin.
#PySide6 #qt #python #pyinstaller
Neu in meinem Wiki: PyInstaller
PyInstaller hatte ich im April 2019 schon einmal auf dem Schirm. Doch da ich damals noch keine rechte Verwendung dafür hatte (Processing.py-Binaries konnte ich einfacher mit Bordmitteln aus der Processing-IDE erzeugen), war das Teil bei mir ein wenig in Vergessenheit geraten. Nun aber, im Rahmen meiner Hinwendung zu Py5 und Pygame rückte die Frage wieder in mein Bewußtsein: https://kantel.github.io/posts/20221222801_pyinstaller/ #PyInstaller #Python
Today has been a #Python day. Progress has been made. Seems once a coder, always a coder. #Pycharm is working well; #pyinstaller had a problem but I've found the solution. Tomorrow #Tkinter is the primary challenge.
All I really need now is a good idea for a project to put all of this new knowledge into.
#python #pycharm #pyinstaller #tkinter
Been working this morning on making a Windows executable of my #Python #Qt COM Port Monitor tool, using #PyInstaller. Found this tutorial to be quite helpful in working out the kinks in the process:
@Labay I've used #PyInstaller in the past to make a windows app with it https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/ #Python
@sheogorath Here are the commit guidelines we developed for #PyInstaller some years ago. I follow these for all my projects. Main motivation is to understand the rational of a change even after several years.
Putting final touches on a desktop app using #tkinter gui module and #pyinstaller. I usually enjoy #python but #tkinter was cumbersome. Probably just my inexperience. #electron looks interesting - gonna give it a rattle on next desktop project. Any tips?
#tkinter #pyinstaller #python #electron
How can I make and #.exe file for #windows while I am unter linux?
I looked into py-installer (is not cross-compiling), tried to set #pyinstaller up with wine, but that failed.
#Help and advice is welcome!
#help #pyinstaller #windows #python #question
@nwalfield @vanitasvitae
Yes I'm frustrated about HUGE companies making money with other people's FOSS work and are not willed to even contribute to funding.
#pyinstaller #siemens #coop.ch #google to just name a few
#pyinstaller #siemens #coop #google
Please help improving #pyinstaller's #Django support and you will get what you are seeking for.
Would #pyinstaller suite your needs? Some parts (hooks) are non-trivial but easy once you understood how they work. From there you can move into the core, step by step