Kotaku: Overwatch 2 Nerfs Illari Into The Sun https://kotaku.com/overwatch-2-patch-notes-ilari-nerf-ultiamte-season-6-1850771932?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #transmediastorytelling #multiplayeronlinegames #multiplayervideogames #blizzardentertainment #charactersofoverwatch #windowsgames #statuseffect #alecdawson #overwatch #illari #pylon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #transmediastorytelling #multiplayeronlinegames #multiplayervideogames #blizzardentertainment #charactersofoverwatch #windowsgames #statuseffect #alecdawson #overwatch #illari #pylon
Pylons are a bit of an eyesore as they march acroos our moorland, but you do get used to them and they are brilliant for arty photos. This one is shot with a fisheye and mangled in Lightroom.
#Pylon #photography #blackandwhite
#pylon #photography #blackandwhite
News to no one but me probably: not only is Brooklyn’s #SheaStadium open and hosting gigs but also archives of past shows, including a stunning who’s who of #indie superstars, including #ParquetCourts, #HarMarSuperstar, #FoxesInFiction, #Palehound, #TVGirl, #Pylon, #Surfbort, #Vagabon, #Yohuna, #ShilpaRay (I could go on…). What a fabulous resource and great news.
#sheastadium #indie #parquetcourts #harmarsuperstar #foxesinfiction #palehound #tvgirl #pylon #surfbort #vagabon #yohuna #shilparay
Im Gedenken an die Opfer der „Todesboote“ ..
Das Lied "Hold on your back homeland" 😰
In memory of the victims of the "death boats" ..
The song "Holder on your back homeland"😰
تخليدا لذكرى ضحايا "قوارب الموت" ..
اغنية "امسك ظهرك يا وطن" 😰
#geas #frontex #refugees #refugeeswelcome #savepassage #niemandistillegal #flucht #Asyl #menschenrechte #humanity
#kalamata #pylon #griechenland #pushback #flucht
#geas #frontex #refugees #refugeeswelcome #savepassage #niemandistillegal #flucht #asyl #menschenrechte #humanity #Kalamata #pylon #griechenland #Pushback
500 Menschen starben, weil Griechenland sie nach Italien schleppen wollte 😡
Überlebende der Katastrophe berichten, dass die griechische Küstenwache sie 3x versucht hat, abzuschleppen.
Das Schiff sank. Kinder, Frauen, Männer ertranken
Europa, du Stück mieses Stück Scheis*e ! 😭
#refugees #refugeeswelcome #savepassage #niemandistillegal #flucht #Asyl #menschenrechte #humanity
#kalamata #pylon #griechenland #pushback #flucht
#refugees #refugeeswelcome #savepassage #niemandistillegal #flucht #asyl #menschenrechte #humanity #Kalamata #pylon #griechenland #Pushback
📍: Bridge 5A, Fleetwood's Bridge
ℹ️: road bridge
🗺: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.4897644796269&mlon=-2.9793189149266#map=17/53.4897644796269/-2.9793189149266
📸: Photo by Scouse Smurf on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/18667910@N00/52555233924
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #pylon #electricity #blackandwhite
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #pylon #electricity #blackandwhite
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
🎵 Italian Movie Theme
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #pylon
📍: Pollington Visitor Moorings
ℹ️: wharf
🗺: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.6666743516929&mlon=-1.0727714847648#map=17/53.6666743516929/-1.0727714847648
📸: Photo by Geoffrey Thompson. on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/158303852@N05/43574717311
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #bridge #building #pylon #towpath #pollington #unitedkingdom #gb #waterwaterwayfeatures #britishisles #greatbritain #builtlandscape #yorkshire #westridingofyorkshire #lockwaterway #byways
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #bridge #building #pylon #towpath #pollington #unitedkingdom #gb #waterwaterwayfeatures #britishisles #greatbritain #builtlandscape #yorkshire #westridingofyorkshire #lockwaterway #byways
Was under the #pylon absolutely hating it cos they always give off such an ominous sound, like the #electricity is angry bees that would attack me and everyone i care about if it could get escape those wires.
And then the sound changed. It sounded... Excited? Irregular for a bit but then found a new, more excitable rhythm that it buzzed at until we left.
Why? Did the amount of power being used, or sent, change? Why is it so loud? I've noticed it's louder when misty, is that related?
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsAllDayRage
🎵 Driving School
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6musicsalldayrage #pylon #bandcamp
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Danger
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #pylon
“The party’s next door. And that’s where it’s always been. Next door.”
Dorothy Malone in The Tarnished Angels
#thetarnishedangels #sirk #douglassirk #dorothymalone #pylon #williamfaulkner
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#thetarnishedangels #sirk #douglassirk #dorothymalone #pylon #williamfaulkner #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
One from last September I keep coming back to. I was testing out my new to me 2nd hand Lensbaby SOL on my Infrared camera at time on this pylon. This is pretty much straight from camera as the lens does that blur itself.
I'd love to take this combo out in somewhere urban and interesting soon.
Tapes + CDs ONLY available today from STERILE RECORDS bandcamp.
These recordings are part of the POLLUTANT series, informed by the ongoing destruction of earth in the name of civilization in the name of greed and the fantasy of supremacy that must be ended.
Compared to the previous parts of this series, this one is rather quiet and melancholic - a sombre mixture of drum'n'drone with a few environmental recordings including those of acoustic instruments played in oppressive urban spaces for donations and a processed guitar recording of my friend P., that has been written during the eviction and destruction of the Hambacher Wald in favor of the ever expanding motorway network, a clear invitation to the fossil-fuel/rare-earth guzzling automobile culture to persist and by that continue to destroy this earth. I myself have tried for many years to defend some of the last remaining patches of forests and it’s inhabitants against these motorway expansions, that not only slice the habitats of wildlife into tiny pieces, but that are also the veins that pump the toxic sludge of capitalist trade, extraction and exploitation into the most remote places.
Power + Solidarity to all Forest / Land defenders + Water protectors.
Limited edition Tapes / CDrs + Pin available ONLY today from Sterile Records: https://sterilerecords.bandcamp.com/album/gone-dark-pollutant-7
#coldsoresound #sterilerecords #nearfuture #pollutant #drumNdrone #hambacherwald #hambacherforst #forestdefenders #waterprotectors #forestdefender #resistance #sombre #melancholic #noise #darkambient #anarxnoise #gonedark #pylon #grid #collapse
#coldsoresound #sterilerecords #nearfuture #pollutant #drumndrone #hambacherwald #hambacherforst #forestdefenders #waterprotectors #forestdefender #resistance #sombre #melancholic #noise #darkambient #anarxnoise #gonedark #pylon #grid #collapse
Zum Thema Elektromasten noch mal ein anderer Blick darauf - hier ein schönes Naturschutz-Projekt:
#pronatura #natur #naturschutz # #Elektromasten #pylon #ode_an_die_masten
#pronatura #natur #naturschutz #elektromasten #pylon #ode_an_die_masten
Fotografiere auf meinen Wanderungen immer wieder auch Masten. Nicht aus technischem Interesse, sondern einfach ihrer eigenartigen Ästhetik wegen. Dieses spezielle „Vintage“-Modell ist mir letztens Mal auf dem Weg untergekommen.
#pylon #masten #ode_an_die_masten
#pylonphotography #mastenfotografie
#pylon #masten #ode_an_die_masten #pylonphotography #mastenfotografie
Fotografiere auf meinen Wanderungen immer wieder auch Masten. Nicht aus technischem Interesse, sondern einfach ihrer eigenartige Ästhetik wegen. Dieses spezielle „Vintage“-Modell ist mir letztens Mal auf dem Weg untergekommen.
#pylon #masten #ode_an_die_masten
#pylonphotography #mastenfotografie
#pylon #masten #ode_an_die_masten #pylonphotography #mastenfotografie
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #SteveLamacq
🎵 Beep
#nowplaying #bbc6music #SteveLamacq #pylon
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Danger
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #pylon