D'aprés Vera Molnar
#Processing #Python #pyp5js
@stemcoding @TomLarrow stemcoding, embrace the chance to try some Python :)
But then you could also try Python + p5js -> #pyp5js: Berinhard.github.io/pyp5js
sketch_2022_12_31 #Processing #Python #pyp5js #Feliz2023
para executar e ver o código: https://tinyurl.com/feliz-2023-s-e-a
#processing #python #pyp5js #feliz2023
#FelizNatal com #pyp5js
Clique para gerar um novo e ver o código: https://tinyurl.com/feliz-natal-com-pyp5js
#feliznatal #pyp5js #python #p5js
Check out this "board maker" I made with #pyp5js :D
Add your boards at: https://github.com/villares/pyp5js-gameboards
«Demystifying the Python-Processing Landscape: An Overview of Tools Combining #Python and #Processing»
Yay! Thank YOU @tabreturn !!!
#py5 #pyp5js
#python #processing #py5 #pyp5js
Encontrei um vídeo de uma apresentação minha no evento Zonas de Compensação 8.0 em 2021 "Programação Criativa: abordagens educacionais, ferramentas e colaboração artística"
Menciono #pyp5js e já estava falando sobre #py5 "Ano que vem ou migrar o meu material para essa biblioteca se tudo der certo" ... acho que deu certo!
Links e referências: https://pad.education/p/r.cf4dbf27ea72d4e90adf1b9731a6728b #FLOSS #Python
@gus yes, PyScript.net looks very promissing. At this point it is based on pyodide. And so is #pyp5js, that combines pyodide in the browser with p5js.org: Have a look here:
I have this hack that makes pyp5js use the same snake_case function/variable names as py5:
https://abav.lugaralgum.com/pyp5js/py5mode/ (and includes the fullscreen feature by João Vitor Cavalcante that is yet to be merged on pyp5js)
- I'm currently working on a PhD at Unicamp
- I should be tooting less and concentrating, but… ask me about drawing with #Python! Check out #py5 and #pyp5js, they bring in the drawing vocabulary from #Processing & #P5js
- I’d like to collaborate on open resources to teach programming in a visual context & I keep a list of tools for teaching Python with visual output at https://github.com/villares/Resources-for-teaching-programming
- I make a new drawing with code everyday & I put the results at https://github.com/skech-a-day
#introduction #python #py5 #pyp5js #processing #p5js
I'm so happy!
João Vitor https://jvfe.github.io/ made a wonderul contribution to #pyp5js (a fullcreen button to a sketch-only page, with a way of getting back) and now I have hacked a #py5 compatibility mode and it all looks great!
#Python #CreativeCoding #ComputingEdu
#pyp5js #py5 #python #creativecoding #computingedu
I made a #pyp5js speech bubble, can you inprove it?
online #pyodide editor + code -> encurtador.com.br/cPXY0
#Python #p5js #CreativeCoding
#pyp5js #pyodide #python #p5js #creativecoding
A #ParsonsProblems making tool!!!
via @laurentabbal
(I have this idea for some time now of a "visual output"/"creative coding" Parsons-like puzzle, I have to try developing it at some point… I'm thinking about using #pyp5js or #pyscript)
#parsonsproblems #pyp5js #pyscript
I'm so happy be a part of this, tho have some work displayed at the #ProcessingCommunityDay Brasil 2022 virtual gallery!
Check it out: https://pcd2022.encontrosdigitais.com.br/galeria/
#Processing #Python #py5 #pyp5js
#processingcommunityday #processing #python #py5 #pyp5js