Busy working on important refactoring and bug-fixes for SuricataLog. It's been a while and the project needs some love.
So far changes looking good.
#python #pypi #suricata #suricatalog
"Nascent Malware Campaign Targets npm, PyPI, and RubyGems Developers"
#rubygems #npm #pypi #security #supplychain
Sad to see PGP support removed from #pypi; apparently not many other people were using it. :-( https://blog.pypi.org/posts/2023-05-23-removing-pgp/
So I've got two #python programs I'm interested in packaging for #pypi :
* [The suite of tools I made for 3D-printing experiments as part of my bsc. thesis](https://gitlab.com/papiris/motion-estimation)
* [The predator detection and alert system I'm currently working on](https://gitlab.com/papiris/predator-detect-and-notify)
There are hurdles in my mind keeping me from reworking and publishing. :blobfoxgooglyconfused:
Can someone tell me what needs to be done, and tell me to go do it?
#python #pypi #software #dev #adhd #mindhack #accountability
So cool, first person to report a serious bug on SuriCataLog!. Reproduced the bug, fixed it and uploaded to Pypi:
「 "北朝鮮 のハッカーが新たな悪意のある #Python パッケージを #PyPI リポジトリに展開 」: The Hacker News
「3 つの不正な Python パッケージが Package Index (PyPI) リポジトリで発見され、北朝鮮 #VMConnect 国家支援の脅威アクターの関与を示す兆候が見られます。
ReversingLabs による調査結果は 、パッケージ tablediter、request-plus、およびrequestspro を検出した。 」
#python #pypi #vmconnect #prattohome #thehackernews
Stimmt schon, ist schei**e. Ähnliches Problem wie bei #PyPi auch. Aber man darf halt generell schon mal schauen was man so für Module runterlädt und ein bisschen research machen (finde ich).
Exciting news from #GitHub on integration with #PyPI secrets scanning
#github #pypi #security #opensource
Headline: Cloudflare being exploited for malicious activity
Article: Actual vulnerability is caused by a lack of moderation of third party Python packages
#cloudflare #python #pypi #pip #programming
@pypi now requires #2FA for new user registrations in order to publish or create new projects. This is part of a broader effort to require 2FA for all users of #PyPI by the end of 2023.
#2fa #pypi #python #security #opensource
New Blog:
PyPI Requires 2FA for New User Registrations
I was able to detect this by seeing a large increase in downloads on https://pepy.tech/project/truststore?versions=%2A (thanks @psincraian !) 📈
Then using my #PyPI dependency dataset I could query for dependent packages: https://github.com/sethmlarson/pypi-data
「 #PyPI 上の偽の #VMware #vConnector パッケージは IT プロフェッショナルをターゲットにしています 」: BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
「VMware vSphere コネクタ モジュール「vConnector」を模倣した悪意のあるパッケージが、IT プロフェッショナルをターゲットに「 #VMConnect 」という名前で Python Package Index (PyPI) にアップロードされました。
VMware vSphere は仮想化ツール スイートで、vConnector は開発者やシステム管理者が使用するインターフェイス Python モジュールで、 PyPI 経由で毎月約 40,000 件ダウンロードされています。 」
#pypi #vmware #vconnector #vmconnect #prattohome #bleepingcomputer
I'm not sure about your feelings, but when I develop a small package and push it to #pypi I get a bit anxious about criticism and people judging my initial work. The reality, however, is somewhat more disheartening: no one really cares. 😅 Nonetheless, I've published a new package: cff2pages. Here it is: https://pypi.org/project/cff2pages/ #opensource #openscience #rse
#rse #openscience #opensource #pypi
Malicious PyPI package discovered in ongoing ‘PaperPin’ campaign https://www.developer-tech.com/news/2023/aug/04/malicious-pypi-package-ongoing-paperpin-campaign/ #pypi #python #coding #programming #cybersecurity #hacking #infosec #news #tech #technology
#pypi #python #coding #programming #cybersecurity #hacking #infosec #News #tech #Technology
#uwsgi 2.0.22 is out and available for #python on #pypi with a bunch of fixes, a new graceful-harakiri functionality to let workers flush any eventual buffer before getting shut down (e.g. metrics, tracing)and recent ruby support. Full changelog here https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Changelog-2.0.22.html
I ran into a #langchain bug that was just fixed yesterday. And the fix was already released on #pypi 😍 Who are these people?
(Yes, this should be standard practice, but it's not)