My grandmother died a few years ago, and since then my mom has been clearing out decades worth of junk from her old house.
Went up there over the weekend, at which point I unearthed this piece of genuine 1970's nonsense.
I'm kind of hoping this is just satire? Though I also wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.
#Pyramids, man.
Beaverton: Canadian tourist shocked to discover other countries don’t put shitty carnivals next to their Wonders Of The World #satire #canada #commentary #WondersOfTheWorld #FeaturedPost #Frankenstein #NiagaraFalls #GrandCanyon #Pyramids #Vacation #NIagara #Travel #travel
#satire #Canada #commentary #wondersoftheworld #FeaturedPost #frankenstein #niagarafalls #grandcanyon #pyramids #vacation #niagara #travel
21 de Julio de 1798 las fuerzas mamelucas son derrotadas por los ejércitos de la I República Francesa dirigidos por Napoleón Bonaparte en la Batalla de las Pirámides haciéndose con el control de El Cairo. #efemérides #egypt #egipto #pyramids #napoleon #france #history #historia
#historia #history #France #napoleon #pyramids #egipto #egypt #efemerides
They did not, however, build the #pyramids or any of structures or aerial-visible markers in #CentralAmerica and #SouthAmerica; only #Stonehenge.
#Stonehenge #SouthAmerica #centralamerica #pyramids
Skeptoid #220: Yonaguni Monument: The Japanese Atlantis by Brian Dunning #yonagunimonument #atlantis #masaakikimura #pyramids #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot A look at a massive stone structure off the coast of Japan, said to be a manmade pyramid.
#yonagunimonument #atlantis #masaakikimura #pyramids #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
"I thank PM #MostafaMadbouly for accompanying me to the #Pyramids. We had a rich discussion on the cultural histories of our nations and how to deepen these linkages in the times to come," PM #NarendraModi tweets #press
#mostafamadbouly #pyramids #narendramodi #press
Looking into possible orientation methods used for the pyramid complexes at Giza, after reading Nell and Ruggles' 2014 article (
Could γ and δ Ursae Majoris (Phecta and Megrez) be the stars used to align the pyramids?
According to Stellarium, the difference in their right ascensions was at a minimum in the year 2587 BCE: that year, when one of them was due north, the other was just 0.005° off due north.
#palaeoastronomy #astronomy #ancientegypt #pyramids
Skeptoid #191: Did Jewish Slaves Build the Pyramids? by Brian Dunning #jewsinegypt #pyramids #exodus #moses #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot It's a popular story, but all the evidence tells us that no Jews were in Egypt at the time of the Pyramids.
#jewsinegypt #pyramids #exodus #moses #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Dezeen : Dezeen Agenda features black timber pyramid by David Adjaye #VeniceArchitectureBiennale #AdjayeAssociates #Blackenedwood #Architecture #DezeenAgenda #DavidAdjaye #Pavilions #Pyramids #Venice #all
#venicearchitecturebiennale #adjayeassociates #blackenedwood #architecture #dezeenagenda #davidadjaye #pavilions #pyramids #venice #all
Dezeen : David Adjaye creates black timber pyramid for Venice Architecture Biennale #VeniceArchitectureBiennale #Woodenarchitecture #AdjayeAssociates #Blackenedwood #Architecture #DavidAdjaye #Pavilions #Cultural #Pyramids #Venice #Black #all
#venicearchitecturebiennale #woodenarchitecture #adjayeassociates #blackenedwood #architecture #davidadjaye #pavilions #cultural #pyramids #venice #black #all
I'm leading a reading group for #SaveAncientStudiesAlliance starting on June 8th!
We'll read and discuss selections from the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. It'll run 5 weeks and is free to join!
#Egyptology #AncientEgypt #Pyramids #PyramidTexts #OldKingdom
#saveancientstudiesalliance #Egyptology #ancientegypt #pyramids #pyramidtexts #oldkingdom
First View of this Pyramid Construction Technique - YouTube
Apr 30, 2023
"Casing stones are largely missing from large pyramids of the Old Kingdom, but a few precious sections remain intact.
At the highest courses of the second-largest pyramid of Egypt (Khafre), the casing stones remain in-place and well preserved.
It’s time for Egypt to fully document every casing stone so that this critical piece of history can be fully understood"
#history #ancientegypt #pyramids
The first #cleopatra I remember was played by Elizabeth Taylor. From what i can tell , the #egyptian Historical Society never got hysterical at this Non-Greek , non- Macedonian woman playing the historical treasure. #egypt
Its interesting that most artifacts they produce have chipped noses, as do the #Pyramids
#cleopatra #egyptian #egypt #pyramids
Had a wonderful time at the Edmonton Muttart Conservatory with the family. I could spend all day there!
#yeg #ExploreEdmonton #pyramids #PhotographyIsArt #macrophotography #flowers #spring
#yeg #exploreedmonton #pyramids #photographyisart #macrophotography #flowers #spring
The idea that the #Joseph of the Old Testament was #Imhotep is a mixture of the usual "Biblical history" pseudo-historical distortion, with a bit of crossover appeal to the lunatic fringe "Alternative" #Egyptology nuts. It's a kind of anti-intellectual, anti-historical supermarket, with something for everyone.
Jason Colavito has traced the historiography of the connection between #pyramids and Joseph's grain silos to the late antiquity and early medieval writers Julius Honorius and Gregory of Tours. Honorius' Cosmographia, probably written in the 4th or 5th century CE, specifically mentioned that the pyramids were Joseph's granaries, whereas Gregory's 6th century History of the Franks alluded to the same idea, but without using the word "pyramid".
#RationalWiki #Bible #oldtestament #pseudohistory
#joseph #imhotep #egyptology #pyramids #rationalwiki #bible #oldtestament #pseudohistory
New Robots to Explore the Great Pyramid - YouTube
"The Great Pyramid of Giza continues to surprise us with hidden secrets and intriguing anomalies that have yet to be properly investigated. The visual inspection of the North Face Corridor announced on March 2, 2023 is hopefully the beginning of many more revelations to come."
#archeology #egypt #egyptology #pyramids #greatpyramid
The only link I could think of, regarding Passover and Qingming crossover that’s happening today is ancient graves of ancient Egyptian royalty.
(By the way, The Pyramids were not built by slaves!)
#religion #happypassover #qingming #passover #judaism #egypt #pyramids #religiodon #religiodons #chinesereligion