Ronaldinho denies part in alleged $61M crypto scam at congressional hearing - The former pro soccer player said in a congressional hearing that... - #pyramidscheme #18kronaldinho #cryptoscheme #ronaldinho #congress #hearing #inquiry #brazil #sec
#sec #brazil #inquiry #hearing #congress #ronaldinho #cryptoscheme #18kronaldinho #pyramidscheme
Elites Don't Care About Your Civil Liberties #shorts
#amazingatheist #classwar #capitalism #fascism #imperialism #morals #ethics #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #eattherich #pyramidscheme #fuckthesystem #apathy
#shorts #amazingatheist #classwar #capitalism #fascism #imperialism #morals #ethics #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #EatTheRich #pyramidscheme #fuckthesystem #apathy
Gruss an die / Greetings to the #CryptoBros - "You won't escape the #Matrix by joining a #pyramidscheme "
#cryptobros #matrix #pyramidscheme
But what if you do *both*? Here's how: you create a "continuation fund" - a fund that buys your old fund's portfolio. Now you've got $5b under management and your carry quintuples, to $100m/year. Levine dryly notes that the *#FinancialTimes* calls this "a controversial type of transaction":
These deals "look like a #PyramidScheme" - one fund flips its assets to another fund, with the same manager running both funds.
#financialtimes #pyramidscheme
Nothing new under the sun, but it is always interesting to see how deep the rabbit hole goes....
#publishorperish #mdpi #pyramidscheme #metrics #impactfactor
#publishorperish #mdpi #metrics #pyramidscheme #impactfactor
Tesla’s Elon Musk Denies Dogecoin Whale Allegations, Attorney Challenges Wallet Associations - According to a recent letter viewed by the press, Elon Musk denies being a dogecoi... - #dogecoinlawsuit #insidertrading #pyramidscheme #allegations #pumpanddump #plaintiffs #teslaexec #attorney #dogecoin #elonmusk #lawsuit #crypto #tesla #news #doge
#doge #news #tesla #crypto #lawsuit #elonmusk #dogecoin #attorney #teslaexec #plaintiffs #pumpanddump #allegations #pyramidscheme #insidertrading #dogecoinlawsuit
This is brilliant. #StreetArt #SanFrancisco #Recursion #Fractal #PyramidScheme
#streetart #sanfrancisco #recursion #fractal #pyramidscheme
This is brilliant. #StreetArt #SanFrancisco #Recursion #Fractal #PyramidScheme
#streetart #sanfrancisco #recursion #fractal #pyramidscheme
ආයතන අටක් පිරමීඩ ජාවාරමේ – නඩු පවරන්නැයි මහ බැංකුව නීතිපතිගෙන් ඉල්ලයි: ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ක්රියාත්මක වන ප්රධාන ආයතන අටක් (08ක්) තහනම් යෝජනා ක්රම පවත්වාගෙන යන බවට හෝ පවත්වාගෙන ගොස් ඇති බවට තීරණය කර ඇතැයි ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුව පවසයි.
මෙසේ නම් කරන ලද පිරමීඩාකාර ව්යාපාර සඳහා බැංකු පනතේ 83 (ඇ) වගන්තිය යටතේ අපරාධමය නඩු පැවරීමට සලකා බැලීම සඳහා නීතිපතිවරයා වෙත ඉල්ලීම් ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇතැයි ද මහ බැංකුව සඳහන් කරයි.
මෙසේ තහනම් ව්යාපාර පවත්වාගෙන යන බවට ශ්රී… #පරධනපවත #pyramidscheme
Eat the rich!
#ausgov #politas #classwar #australia #poverty #capitalism #fascism #albanese #pyramidscheme #centrelink #welfare
#AusGov #politas #classwar #australia #poverty #capitalism #fascism #Albanese #pyramidscheme #Centrelink #Welfare
"#Grocery #prices have risen by 8% since last year"
#Capitalism #proves how #greedy #capitalist #fascist #assholes actually are.
#classwar #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #greedisthecreed #greed #gst #tax #cost #poverty #pyramidscheme #trickledowneconomics #albanese #alp #labor #australianlaborparty #centrelink #welfare #eattherich #fuckthesystem
#grocery #prices #capitalism #proves #greedy #capitalist #Fascist #assholes #classwar #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #greedisthecreed #greed #gst #tax #cost #poverty #pyramidscheme #trickledowneconomics #Albanese #alp #labor #australianlaborparty #Centrelink #Welfare #EatTheRich #fuckthesystem
Ukraine Dismantles $40 Million Russian Crypto Pyramid - Ukrainian law enforcement has exposed a financial pyramid originating from Russia ... - #cryptoinvestments #cryptocurrencies #financialpyramid #securityservice #cryptocurrency #cryptopyramid #pyramidscheme #fraudsters #investors #ukrainian #conflict #invasion #scammers #russian #ukraine #victims #crypto #russia #fraud #news #scam #sbu #war
#war #sbu #scam #news #fraud #russia #crypto #victims #ukraine #russian #scammers #invasion #conflict #ukrainian #investors #fraudsters #pyramidscheme #cryptopyramid #cryptocurrency #securityservice #financialpyramid #cryptocurrencies #cryptoinvestments
Why did Elon Musk change the Twitter logo to Dogecoin?
via @WashingtonPost
#cryptocurrency #ShibaIna #Dogecoin #memecoins #greed #GriftersGonnaGrift #PyramidScheme
#cryptocurrency #shibaina #dogecoin #memecoins #greed #griftersgonnagrift #pyramidscheme
Beaverton: Editorial: My home business is the result of 1% inspiration and 99% denying I’m the victim of a pyramid scheme #satire #canada #commentary #multilevelmarketingscheme #PyramidScheme #homebusiness #Editorial #MLM
#satire #Canada #commentary #multilevelmarketingscheme #pyramidscheme #homebusiness #editorial #mlm
Onecoin Head of Legal and Compliance Charged for Role in Crypto Pyramid - Authorities in the U.S. have announced charges against a former Onecoin executive ... - #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #irinadilkinska #cryptopyramid #pyramidscheme #extradition #ponzischeme #compliance #extradited #bulgarian #executive #bulgaria #charges #onecoin #crypto #legal #news #head #u.s. #us
#us #u #head #news #legal #crypto #onecoin #charges #bulgaria #executive #bulgarian #extradited #compliance #ponzischeme #extradition #pyramidscheme #cryptopyramid #irinadilkinska #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies
All #gst & #tax should be #transparent within the #australian #governments #nationally. Anything less is a crime and an insult to true #democracy.
#ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #transparency #property #rent #rentistheft #landlordsareparasites #classwar #trickledowneconomics #economics #capitalism #fascism #council #pyramidscheme #statism
#gst #tax #transparent #australian #governments #nationally #democracy #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #transparency #Property #rent #rentistheft #landlordsareparasites #classwar #trickledowneconomics #economics #capitalism #fascism #council #pyramidscheme #statism
Report: Egyptian Police Arrest 29 Alleged Masterminds of Crypto Mining App Scam - The Egyptian police are reported to have recently arrested 29 individuals associat... - #abdulazizhussein #foreigncurrency #cryptocurrency #digitalwallets #pyramidscheme #regulation #e-wallets #hoggpool #ponzi #btc
#btc #ponzi #hoggpool #e #regulation #pyramidscheme #digitalwallets #cryptocurrency #foreigncurrency #abdulazizhussein
#cuiProdest is still useful for more roundabout proposals. For example, used a #pyramidScheme for onboarding to pump up the numbers when it had barely just launched and create noise to divert from the attention #Mastodon and the #Fediverse were getting on the first #TwitterExodus. People were sharing their referrals to invite others to join hoping to move faster in the queue (#WIIFY), but this was all to the benefit of the' owners.
#WIIFY #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #pyramidscheme #cuiProdest
#cuiProdest is still useful for more roundabout proposals. For example, used a #pyramidScheme for onboarding to pump up the numbers when it had barely just launched and create noise to divert from the attention #Mastodon and the #Fediverse were getting on the first #TwitterExodus. People were sharing their referrals to invite others to join hoping to move faster in the queue (#WIIFY), but this was all to the benefit.
#WIIFY #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #pyramidscheme #cuiProdest
Helaine Olen: This all-but-forgotten con man sold America on ‘fake it till you make it’
"Glenn W. Turner is now all but forgotten. But this salesman extraordinaire in flashy suits was once all but omnipresent in American life. Turner, the son of a sharecropper, told people they could all be rich and successful like him — if, that is, they made an investment in his multi-level marketing company. They would peddle “mink oil” makeup and his “Dare to Be Great” motivational tapes, and collect more money by recruiting others and taking a percentage on their sales."
#fakeittillyoumakeit #scam #mlm #pyramidscheme
#fakeittillyoumakeit #scam #mlm #pyramidscheme