In summer 2021 we looked at impacts of heat from fire on Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca saplings. At moderate to high fire intensity doses (84% fire-induced mortality) we saw living xylem and damaged phloem after 6 weeks.
Image was produced by Prof M. Knoblauch using the CFDA approach.
#fireecology #fireseverity #pyroecophysiology #plantscience
Some of our recent published research in ponderosa pine saplings showed that its more likely that cambium and phloem damage that impacts NSC transport, rather than xylem hydraulic failure, is responsible for fire-induced tree mortality.
#FireEcology #PlantScience #FireSeverity #pyroecophysiology
Image is from Dr. Partelli-Feltrin (twitter: @RaquelFeltrin)
#fireecology #plantscience #fireseverity #pyroecophysiology
Some tags:
#Science #wildfire #rxfire #forestry #pyroecophysiology #ecophysiology #ecology #geography #naturalhazards #wildfirerisk #earthscience #drought #fireecology #fireseverity #plantscience #lidar #remotesensing #combustion #sciencemastodon #academicmastodon #ecoevo #plantecology #disturbances #globalchange
Hey Everyone, my lab focuses on improving measures of #FireSeverity. We do lab and #RxFire experiments focusing on how heat from fires impact trees and #PlantScience, #ecophysiology, fire-induced mortality, and when they live: long-term growth. We assess interactions of fire with stressors such as #drought. We also measure #fuels and #forest growth with #lidar, #fire #RemoteSensing, embers, and why people react or decide to control or use wildfires. #geography #pyroecophysiology
#rxfire #plantscience #fire #fireseverity #ecophysiology #drought #fuels #forest #lidar #remotesensing #geography #pyroecophysiology