“#Pyrolysis has many applications in food preparation” writes Wikipedia and illustrates it with this picture of a pyrolysed #pizza, almost completely carbonised.
I've been trying to find the best #remediation method for 2-3 cubic yards of #soil contaminated by #diesel gas.
So far, low temp #pyrolysis seems like the best bet, but I'm not sure what sort of set-up would work to achieve a consistent 100-350C low oxygen burn.
#remediation #soil #diesel #pyrolysis
TIL - Sewer sludge (euphemistically called #biosolids by many cities) can be turned into #biochar via #pyrolysis.
If the pyrolysis happens at >600C for >10 minutes, the resulting biochar will be free of #microplastics, #PFAs, pathogens, and pharmaceuticals - all of which could continue to be a problem when you just #compost sewer sludge.
And... the #phosphorous is retained in the biochar, meaning it'll be a fertilizer in addition to the other biochar benefits.
#biosolids #biochar #pyrolysis #microPlastics #pfas #compost #phosphorous
@esmichelson I know of a company (Botala ASX listed) who are planning on this in Botswana. They want to use csg at an existing coal mine and power station.
I thought it sounded exciting! Hope they are still looking at the #pyrolysis option as it captures the carbon and gets the #hydrogen
A recent update is they plan to manufacture the solar panels there in Botswana.
Less than 10 percent of #plastic gets recycled. The rest builds up in the #environment. What do to with all that toxic waste? Is #Pyrolysis the answer?
By me for @yalee360
#plastic #environment #pyrolysis
Clay and root pieces should be filtered out or skimmed from #PFAS contaminated soils for separate waste management like #pyrolysis.
Thanks to @MichelH88,Mona Hansen, Gabriela Castro, Thomas Meyn, Alex Asimakopoulos, @PMsarahehale
Funding from @PERFORCE3_ITN & @ZeroPM_H2020 🙏
Interesting study on various #plastic #recycling technologies. #Pyrolysis and #gasification are worst, as you might imagine, because they're just using the plastic as a carbon source. Mechanical recycling is the best from an efficiency and environmental impact standpoint, but it produces the lowest quality material, so you can't really use it more than once. #Glycolysis, which uses #EthyleneGlycol to depolymerize #PET, is the best-performing chemical method, and it's pretty close to #ClosedLoop.
#plastic #recycling #pyrolysis #gasification #Glycolysis #EthyleneGlycol #pet #closedloop
Farmers making Biochar
Farmers are experimenting with pyrolysis to produce biochar as a means to sequester carbon and condition soil.
#biochar #pyrolysis #farmer #oregon #photography #fujifilm
#biochar #pyrolysis #farmer #oregon #photography #fujifilm
Hackaday Prize 2022: Solar Power Through Pyrolysis
#2022HackadayPrize #TheHackadayPrize #solarpyrolysis #greenhacks #solarpower #pyrolysis
#2022HackadayPrize #TheHackadayPrize #solarpyrolysis #greenhacks #Solarpower #pyrolysis
Beston Pyrolysis Plant
Turn waste into Oil!
See the details: https://bestonmachinery.com/pyrolysis-plant/.
#pyrolysis #tirerecycling #tyrerecycling #tyrerecovery #recoveredcarbonblack #carbonblack #recyclingbusiness #recycling #circulareconomy #sustainability #greenenergy #rubberrecycling #wastetirepyrolysis #tyretooil #pyrolysisplant #pyrolysisoil #tirederivedfuel #tyrepyrolysisoil #TPO #TDF
#tdf #tpo #tyrepyrolysisoil #tirederivedfuel #pyrolysisoil #pyrolysisplant #tyretooil #wastetirepyrolysis #rubberrecycling #greenenergy #sustainability #circulareconomy #recycling #recyclingbusiness #carbonblack #recoveredcarbonblack #tyrerecovery #tyrerecycling #tirerecycling #pyrolysis