Title: "Welcome to the Grafana Labs family, Pyroscope!"
Details: "Re-license Grafana Pyroscope to AGPLv3"
another Apache2 #foss going #copyleft
As I say: Is vendor owned #opensource an oxymoron?
#foss #copyleft #opensource #grafana #pyroscope #continuousprofiling #relicensing
Don't let memory leaks go undetected in your #golang application! Our latest blog post shows you how to use Grafana #Pyroscope to continuously profile and catch them early.
Don't let memory leaks go undetected in your #golang application! Our latest blog post shows you how to use Grafana #Pyroscope to continuously profile and catch them early. https://grafana.com/blog/2023/04/19/how-to-troubleshoot-memory-leaks-in-go-with-grafana-pyroscope/?mdm=social
In this fun Q&A, the #Pyroscope founders and #Phlare project leads share what makes them an observability dream team. https://grafana.com/blog/2023/03/23/meet-the-minds-behind-grafana-pyroscope-christian-cyril-dmitry-and-ryan/?mdm=social
New #caddyserver apps are in town! You can now configure push-mode #ContinuousProfiling agents in Caddy.
Currently the app supprots Profefe and #pyroscope that may be configured as first-class apps or as guest modules of the `profiling` app. You can now monitor and analyze CPU utilization, memory/heap allocation, and mutex contention right in #o11y tools!
#caddyserver #ContinuousProfiling #pyroscope #o11y