The Video Game Library πŸ“š · @thevglibrary
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Today’s library shelf pull πŸ“š

If you love @doublefine (and their amazing team) then you need to track down a copy of this book❗️

20 Double Fine Years explores the people, ideas and inspirations that have resulted in and more!

#fullthrottle #thecave #BrutalLegend #brokenage #grimFandango #costumequest #pyschonauts

Last updated 1 year ago

Fans of / will probably be thrilled to know that they released the dev documentary!

I forgot this was coming at all, but they just dumped it all out in one go. 32 episodes, plus an entire Amnesia Fortnight movie!

The dev movies for Broken Age were great, they had a lot of that Indie Game The Movie or Hades documentary vibe, and guessing this will too!

#pyschonauts #doublefine

Last updated 1 year ago

Fans of / will probably be thrilled to know that they released the dev documentary!

I forgot this was coming at all, but they just dumped it all out in one go. 32 episodes, plus an entire Amnesia Fortnight movie!

The dev movies for Broken Age were great, they had a lot of that Indie Game The Movie or Hades documentary vibe, and guessing this will too!

#pyschonauts #doublefine

Last updated 1 year ago