Anaconda Aims to Democratize Python with PyScript
-> The 1-year-old open source PyScript programming framework is getting a new service that advocates hope will ease Python application development.
Noticias sobre Python y Datos de la semana, episodio 71 🐍⚙️
En resumen: El impacto de NumFOCUS, versiones nuevas de Kedro-Viz, Fugue, y deepchecks, Markdown avanzado en JupyterLab, aplicaciones con PyScript, y la PyCon Latam en Mexico
Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#numfocus #kedro-viz #fugue #sql #markdown #jupyter #pyconlatam #pyscript #python #pydata #noticieropythonydatos
#noticieropythonydatos #PyData #python #pyscript #pyconlatam #jupyter #markdown #sql #fugue #kedro #numfocus
CrosKeys by CrosExperts 1.2.8 - The Most Powerful App on ChromeOS!
CrosKeys Pro users can now run QuickScripts, sandboxed Python scripts, remote AppsScripts, and automations from native ChromeOS.
@ProductHunt #python #Chromebook #pyscript #Automation
#python #chromebook #pyscript #automation
@tshirtman @ede yeah, I don't think we will strictly go back but there might be some sort of bifurcation (or even trifurcation) between "true" DOM web pages that finally deliver on the linked data / semantic web side, versus "web as desktop apps" that further push the js/spa/API agenda (essentially not using much of the web or its benefits at all).
and then you have wasm/webassembly and all those #clojurescript, #pyscript projects that feel like opening yet another dimension for the browser
#pyscript is an example of the complicated (ultimately radically promising) landscape that emerges around web technologies: its nothing less than #python in the browser.
Which means that, in principle, a good fraction of the #opensource data science ecosystem becomes "instantly" available to anybody and anywhere with a connection and a browser.
warning: loading times are currently longish
Messing with pyscript today seeing if I can use it instead of JavaScript #python #javascipt #pyscript
@beandev Ich hab mit #Homeassistant einem #ESP8266 und #Pyscript unsere Belüftung so programmiert, dass sie eine Duscherkennung hat und dann ein paar Minuten auf Party schaltet. Dank Wärmerückgewinnung ist das im Gebäude von 2008 schon ziemlich effizient und bringt Feuchtigkeit auch schnell (ca. 6-7 Minuten) aus dem Bad oder der Waschküche raus. Kostet aber etwas Strom. Stosslüften kostet nichts, hat aber auch keine Wärmerückgewinnung.
#homeassistant #esp8266 #pyscript
Interacting with #pyscript: «7GUIs Pyscript» Wonderful resource by Jeff Glass
Cruising through complex #data (with #python and #glom):
Six techniques for wrangling tricky structures. Plus, more readable and actionable errors by overriding the default Python traceback.
Also co-released with glom 23.1 and my latest project, glompad, glom in the browser (with #pyscript/#pyodide). Take a look!
I searched for #skia + #pyscript, because I knew about Skia's #PathKit #WASM thing, and found out this #Python lib: #castella
« provide features for Python programmers easy to create a GUI application for several OS platforms and web browsers in a single most same code as possible as. The second goal is to provide a UI framework that Python programmers can easily understand, modify, and extend as needed. (Stated on May 25, 2022: This goal is the final goal. Currently this framework is in the super early stage, so this goal is far away. I hope to get much closer to the goal in a few months or a year by improving the implementation or documentation a little bit every day as much as possible.)»
#skia #pyscript #pathkit #wasm #python #castella
So, #Pyscript has been somewhat dominating #Python runtime discussions lately. #Pycon 2022 win, I suppose? There's a rather huge "but" here, though.
Talk Python to Me podcast episode "Pyscript powered by MicroPython" highlights the problem in the episode description: "…just one catch: The runtime download was a 9MB WebAssembly file." The episode goes on to explore using µPython's more svelte standard library, reducing the download to "only" 300KB and startup time to "only" 100ms.
😡 Not a joke?
@paulox Looks like this upgrade broke a bunch of things - now I'm using everywhere, is there a way to stick to an older version? Tried out a couple of URLs, didn't work.
LAZYWEB: How are people putting their console games in to #pyscript . I just need print() and input()
#python #YesIShouldReadTheDocs #IAskedChatGPTAndItDoesNotKnow
#python #yesishouldreadthedocs #iaskedchatgptanditdoesnotknow #pyscript