@tdfischer I also have a few #Qt ( #PySide ) #Python applications, https://github.com/SUNET/tugpgp/wiki is one such.
You can actually mess with the #Nuke GUI a lot using Qt. The blog of Erwan Leroy (https://erwanleroy.com/blog/) shows you how: overlay widgets onto the node graph, add custom widgets as knobs to Nuke nodes... wow!
I especially like his "scale tree" feature and it's quite easy to just use parts of his toolset in your pipeline. Its code is on github (https://github.com/herronelou/nuke_nodegraph_utils/tree/main/node_graph_utils)
#nuke #vfx #compositing #pyside
Packaging a #GUI #Application (which talks to pcsc or any other hardware devices) for multiple versions of different #Linux distros is PITA as hell.
#gui #application #linux #python #rust #pyside #qt
In questi giorni, per un progetto lavorativo collaterale, sto lavorando nuovamente con le Qt ma stavolta ho deciso di passare a #PySide invece di #PyQt.
Usando anche QThread e per non impallare la UI.
Vale la pena aggiornare la mia guida del 2015?
The code will be written in Python, because that language comes with GUI toolkits.
I have mixed experiences with GTK (especially since I had several times GI breaking on my Linux systems). So that one is out of question.
Before #MigratingToNixOS I used a basic setup with #PySide v2. Since Qt is available everywhere and I wanted to go Vanilla (to support the cause). Hence no #PyQt. Both broke here on #NixOS (even with Docker or Vagrant).
So I will use #tkinter.
#MigratingToNixOS #pyside #pyqt #nixos #tkinter
Hello Mastodon,
Tiens un petit tuto intéressant sur l'application du modèle MVC aux interfaces Qt pour présenter des données strucutrées façon classeur Excel.
Je trouve le tuto très bien fait donc je partage ^^
@fotojunkie @zerok For GUI application development in Python I definitely recommend #PySide
I also found this interesting tutorial a while ago, which is quite extensive:
Similarly to how it's done in this project you could draw inspiration from, I recommend you take a look at #SQLAlchemy if you want to interact with an SQL database with Python: